Orange County NC Website
Orange Covvly <br />Deparwat ov Aging <br />Vevdar Agreement <br />Dais Vmdm A~vermrnt is mvmed inm this 1st day c(IWy 2000 between XXX'iX, Meinafta known as <br />tM1e Vendor, and Orenge C'aunry on Eebalfoftbe Depettmem nn Aging. M1er<irnller knovm as the <br />llepartmmt The perwJ and dmadvn ofthe.4greement shall be from July L ZW I [o Iwe J0. 2002. <br />WITNES1ETtl: <br />WHEREAS, the 0.yadmmtdeevea Ip engage NC Vmtlpr to renderarnsm txtmiwl mdprvfeasiwal <br />zenices, MeinaM described, now tbercfnrcahe parties harem mutually agree as follows: <br />D DEPAATh~YT AGREES MD hL4WTAINS'1'9E RtGtlT: <br />1. Tv derzmtive eaRibitiNofpmspedive clients to w-hom<aide servmes in accoMaroe wiW <br />INeml and state xuidclmes. <br />2. 1'u make all Jccisime rv'gaNing who is smN and what smices are afferetl mtl iv what <br />mammmeseh diwt rere i <br />a. Ta paa~iJammevrnJm rte c.<n clirnt rerafrea w*emWpmrmmatim[anaaaervia <br />aulhonmEm dmcsibing bGl amount dmafim and frcqumry ofaid<urviee requested, and <br />:Ereolione to trw oliml§Imma, whmeverpussible <br />4, To wMVa fm eaACOmttakm imosmiceat least av mnual reassesvnmt, aml qummdy <br />which wcladez gwseivns abvutdeusetisfectiva with services eM wheMer shay were <br />g van av opponnnnr to caet snare. <br />S To svbmitnew service emhorivtionz for enycliem case In wbicM1 Orenge Cawrylue <br />appmsmdsahavge w:x~svsevs. ' <br />6. To mwtibl Ne Veadar ifwamea¢d al lees yearly to ensw<compliesse<wiONC. <br />Division o(Agwx In-home Aide service slandarda and with this ageemmt. <br />Z To ba flexible regvdwg bow rrany o4mts are relbncJ at mctime <br />ft. To vnrndtltia egreementaa needed et any nmetn encore Met(Tange COwry is in <br />ompliawe with [he N C. Division vfAgwg N-Fbn~e Ada service standaMS, and Ip provide <br />nonce ofsmh amendments as yuickl> as pramiwble to the Vendor. <br />2) TBE VE[YDOR tlEREBY AGHE&5: <br />1. Ip prpvNe N:usiny Axnssn~d(NAImNA]),cwtifiN by Na N.C.Ifivisivv vfP lity <br />Smices, tv level R and Ievel3 dimU r<ferzed by [he Uepas[mevc Wi[h Ne appmvvl of the <br />Eldemere Supmieo5 oluntl wah Levd 1 only (Hama Mmugevmut) care deader may ba uwYad <br />by employees who are not cemfNnursing assissmn. <br />