Orange County NC Website
be preparetl by the Rehabilitation Specalist antl held in cenfitlence until bitldin9 is <br />completed. <br />6. Formal agreement After approval of the work writs-up, the homeowner will sign <br />a formal agreement that will explain antl govern the rehabilitation process. This <br />agreement will define the roles of the parties involved dimughout the rehabilitation <br />process. <br />). Bitltling: The work write-up antl bitl documents will be mailed or faxetl to at least <br />three to five contractors from the Approvetl Contractors Registry who will be given <br />one [o two weeks in which to inspect Ne property and prepare bid proposals. The <br />names of the invRed wntmctors will be supplied fo the homeowner Each will <br />neetl access ro all parts of the house in abler to prepare a bid. A bid opening will <br />be contluctetl at [he Community Development offce at a specified tlate and time, <br />with all bidders and the homeowner invited to attend. <br />8. Con[redoreelec[fon: Within 24 hours of the bitl opening, after review of bitl <br />breaktlowns andliming factors, the winning bidder will be selected. All bidders <br />end the homeowner will ba notified of (7) fhe selection. (2) the amount, (8J the <br />amount of the County's ces[estimate, antl l4)if other than the lowest bitlder is <br />selected, of the specifc reasons (or the selection. <br />9. Cpntrad execution: Grant antl contract documents will be executeq these will <br />bintl all parties antl make [he project official. The contract will be between fhe <br />cen[mctor antl the homeowner, with fhe County signing as an interested third <br />party. Contractors mus[submh pnxf of liability insurance. <br />10.Pre-construction conference: Apra-consfmction conference will be held at the <br />home or pifce. At this time, the homeowner, centmctor and program <br />representafiveswill tliscuss the tletails of [he work [o be tlone. Starting and <br />entling tlates will be agreed upon, along with any special arrangements such as <br />weekentl or evening work hours and tlisposition M items to be removed from the <br />home (such as oltl cabinets, etc.). Within 24 hours of the pre-censtmNOn <br />cenference, the County will issues"proceed order"formally instructing the <br />centmctor to commence by the agreed-upon tlete. <br />11.COns[ruction: The contractor will be responsible for obtalningabuiltling permit <br />for the project before beginning work. The permit must be posted of the house <br />during the entire period cf construction. Program staff will closely monitor [he <br />centractpr tludng the constmction pedotl to make sure that the work is being done <br />eccortling m the work write-up (which is made a part of the rehabilitation contract <br />by reference) and in a timely fashion. Coda Enforcement Officers will inspect new <br />work for compliance wifh[he Slate Building Code, as with any ofherjob. The <br />homeowner wll be responsible for working with the wntraaor towartl protecting <br />personal property by clearing woB areas as much as prectlcable. <br />12.Change Ortlers: All changes to fhe scope of work must be approved by fhe <br />owner antl the County M Orange Rehabilifaficn Specialist, and reduced to writing <br />LW~ppolicy.Juc ~~ <br />