Orange County NC Website
To pay for the rehabilila[ion work, the County will provide part of the funtls In the form <br />of grant. <br />What kintls of work will be tlonei Each house selectetl for assistance will be <br />rehabilita[etl to atltlress an identifietl health antl/or safety dazartl. Upon completion, <br />the work performed under the program must meet North Caroline State Resltlential <br />Builtling Gotle (VIIj stantlartls antl be performetl in acramance with all state antl local <br />peimiding, inspections, licensing, antl insurance requirements, This does not mean, <br />however, that the whole house must be brought up fa Builtling Code or Minimum <br />Housing Code Stantlartls. <br />Generally, iha County will apeciN that rehabilitation tasks be accomplishetl in the <br />least-expensive method [hat Is deemed adequate to meet program standards. The <br />URP assistance cannot be usetl for luxury or non-essential work. <br />Of course, mn[radors performing work funtletl antler URP2002 are responsible for <br />meeting all local requirements for permits and inspections. <br />Whaf about leatl~basatl pain[? Until it was tllscoveretl to be a health hazarQ the <br />metal leatl was usetl for centuries to make house paints. Now we know that eating <br />chips or tlus[ of lead-basetl paint can cause very serious problems for small chiMren. <br />Selling lead paint was outlawed In 19]8, but many alder bulltlings still contain lead <br />paint antl children are ebll being poisoned <br />Untler URP2002, a lead hazard evaluation will be pertormetl on every home selectetl <br />for rehabilitation That was built before 19]8. The speufic type of evaluation antl the <br />apprcpriate lead hazaN retluc[ion work pertormetl will tlepentl on the nature of the <br />work to be done antler the URP proposal. <br />Who will do the work on the homes? The CCUnN IS Obligated underURP2002 to <br />ensure that quality woB is tlone at reasonable prices antl Nat all work Is contractetl <br />through a faiq cpen and competitive process. To meet [hose very tliffcult <br />requirements, iha County will invite bitls from contrectors who are part of en <br />"approved contractors registry'. <br />To be on the registry, contrecors must (1) fill out an application farm, listing several <br />references and recent lobs completeQ antl (2) receive the'condltlonal approval' of <br />the County. Once a mnimclor who has been cpntlitlonally approved has <br />successfully completed one lab for the County, his or her status is upgratletl to <br />"regular approval", meaning [ha[ They will be allowetl to bitl on a regular rotation as <br />long ee [hey remain in good standing. (Homeowners who know of quality <br />rehabilitation contractors that are not on the County's ApProvetl Contracture Registry <br />are welcome [c invite them to apply.) <br />At least three approved contractors will be invitetl to bitl on each job, antl the lowest <br />responsive and responsible bidtler will be selectetl for the wnfrect. "Responsive antl <br />L:euppoliav~la ~ <br />