Orange County NC Website
121 <br /> Page 2 of 3 Will Raymond <br /> Orange County Broadband Task Force <br /> Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br /> I am a computer technologist with over 46 years of professional experience. I currently work <br /> developing a cloud-based analytical platform to help organizations make better decisions based <br /> on statistical and probability based models. <br /> In terms of communications technologies, I worked at Northern Telecom <br /> (Nortel)for 7 years and was involved in developing their communication products. I was CTO of <br /> Blast, Inc., a company that developed and sold multi-platform communications software. I <br /> developed several key technologies for Interactive Intelligence's "callcenter in the Cloud" <br /> products and,just recently at Cumulus Networks, developed "white box" <br /> large scale networking products which uses cutting-edge software to manage Internet <br /> connectivity, broadband and BGP control-plane interfaces. <br /> As a member of Chapel Hill's for Technology Advisory Board, I worked to expand access to the <br /> internet and similar technology for our community. <br /> Prior to joining and then subsequently through that board, I initiated and then championed a plan <br /> for a community-owned municipal broadband system. <br /> While the Town did not move fast enough to avoid restrictions implemented by the NC <br /> Republican controlled legislature on municipal broadband, I did succeed in convincing the Town <br /> to team up with the NC-DOT to drop a secondary fiber loop-which cut the cost to pennies on <br /> the dollar-when NC-DOT rewired the 190+ signalized intersections in Chapel Hill & part of <br /> Carrboro. <br /> As a consequence, community-owned infrastructure expanded the capabilities of the local <br /> school system, the local governments and further expedited service improvements to our local <br /> public affordable housing units. <br /> I was also involved in connecting under-served households in our community to Internet service <br /> both via direct access, wireless and improvements in connectivity at the Hargraves Center. <br /> Further, I advocated for the development of a wireless Internet access plan for Downtown <br /> Chapel Hill which was partially implemented. <br /> Beyond my service on the Technology Advisory Board, I also pushed for a comprehensive <br /> connectivity standard for new large-scale and affordable housing projects through my service on <br /> multiple land-use planning related advisory boards and initiatives. <br /> Finally, as a member of the OWASA Board, I was part of the negotiations for expanding the <br /> county's access to the OWASA infrastructure for wireless communications. <br /> Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br /> Access to communications, as the COVID19 pandemic has shown, is a key <br /> determinant for folks well-being. With the changing economic landscape, <br /> now more than ever limited access can affect ones educational, <br /> vocational and social opportunities. I want to help bridge these <br /> divides. I believe that given my background, I am well-positioned to <br /> help our community to successfully fill the gaps sooner than later. <br /> Contribution to the diversity of viewpoints on this board: <br /> I will bring a community-oriented approach and a history of advocacy to <br /> this effort. I have a strong technical background that I would use to <br /> help make sure the choices our board would make will not only serve our <br /> current needs but will provide a solid foundation for evolving to meet <br /> future needs. Having worked with many of our under-served communities <br />