Orange County NC Website
27 <br /> c. Land Use Goal 3: A variety of land uses that are coordinated within a program <br /> and pattern that limits sprawl, preserves community and rural character, minimizes <br /> land use conflicts, supported by an efficient and balanced transportation system. <br /> d. Objective LU-1.1: Coordinate the location of higher intensity / high density <br /> residential and non-residential development with existing or planned locations of <br /> public transportation, commercial and community services, and adequate <br /> supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high-speed internet access, <br /> streets, and sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural <br /> resources. This could be achieved by increasing allowable densities and creating <br /> new mixed-use zoning districts where adequate public services are available. <br /> e. Economic Development Objective ED-2.1: Encourage compact and higherdensity <br /> development in areas served by water and sewer. <br /> f. Economic Development Objective ED-2.10: Extend public water and sewer into <br /> all three Economic Development Districts. <br /> 3. The proposal appears consistent with the various goals/policies outlined within the Efland- <br /> Mebane Small Area Plan, approved by the BOCC in 2006. Specifically, the Project is <br /> proposing development of high intensity non-residential land uses in an area reserved <br /> specifically for such development as identified within the Plan. <br /> 4. The applicant has provided a basic environmental assessment as part of this submittal. <br /> Staff has reviewed and determined there ought to be no significant environmental impact <br /> from this project based on existing conditions. <br /> Staff is recommending the imposition of a condition as part of the approval of this project <br /> that additional environmental studies be prepared for all site plans as detailed in Section <br /> 6.16 of the UDO; <br /> 5. The proposed development is consistent with existing/anticipated development within the <br /> area and the various land uses associated with the project are compatible with various <br /> goals/policies as detailed herein. <br /> During review of the Project, local residents identified the following concerns related to the <br /> Project, which staff is including herein for information purposes only: <br /> a. The Project is out of character with the rural Efland Community; <br /> b. Development of a '120 nozzle gas station' is inconsistent with a County goal of <br /> reducing dependency on fossil fuels; <br /> c. Stormwater runoff from the Project will have a negative impact on adjacent <br /> sensitive water features as well as the County's Seven Mile Creek Preserve; <br /> d. Insufficient information has been provided ensuring adequate protection of <br /> groundwater from fuel contamination; <br /> e. The Project will significantly increase/exacerbate existing light pollution in the area; <br /> f. There is no justification for an 80 ft. tall freestanding sign. <br /> Neighborhood Information Meeting: A neighborhood information meeting for the project was held <br /> on September 15, 2020 in accordance with Section 2.9.2 (D) of the UDO. The meeting was held <br /> in an on-line format due to current public health concerns. A synopsis of comments made at the <br /> meeting can be found within Attachment 5. <br />