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19 <br /> issues. These `improvements' would likely have involve eliminating westbound Exit <br /> 160 to address public safety issues as traffic volumes increase in the area. <br /> The elimination of westbound Exit 160/reconfiguration of Exit 161, requires additional <br /> review as part of NC DOT and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) processes, <br /> which are independent of this zoning atlas amendment process. <br /> If approved, the project will move forward consistent with the master concept plan. If <br /> denied, the applicant will have to address modification(s) at a future date. <br /> As a practical matter, the processing of this rezoning request is the first step in this <br /> process. <br /> During our initial review of the Project, staff made the following recommendation(s) <br /> concerning the proposed location of right-in/right-out driveway points (Attachment 4): <br /> ➢ Eliminating the access drive(s) on the interstate on/off ramp west of US <br /> Highway 70/1-85 Connector Road altogether; OR <br /> ➢ Limit the two proposed access drives to an `entrance only' east of Mt. Willing <br /> Road and an `exit only' west of the US Highway 70/1-85 connector road versus <br /> a right-in/right-out for both driveways as current designed. <br /> If the proposed access drives were eliminated altogether, motorists would access <br /> Interstate 40/85 from the Project either via the US Highway 70/1-85 Connector Road <br /> or Mt. Willing Road. Staff made this recommendation in an effort to preserve Exit 160 <br /> as currently configured and reduce anticipated traffic conflicts. <br /> NC DOT staff have indicated westbound Exit 160 may be <br /> eliminated/relocated/redesigned to address anticipated traffic safety needs as traffic <br /> volumes increase in the area. Further, the applicant expressed concern over not <br /> having direct access to the Project via the on/off ramp. <br /> Staff still believes there is merit to continue investigating limiting the proposed access <br /> drives to be an `entrance only' and/or `exit only' thereby reducing potential vehicular <br /> conflicts and continued study on preserving westbound Exit 160, recognizing the <br /> ultimate decision on these components of the Project have to go through a separate <br /> State and Federal review process. <br /> ii. Installation of new traffic signals(i.e., new driveway/Exit 161 intersection with US Highway <br /> 70/1-85 Connector Road and the intersection of the 1-85/40 on/off ramp with Mt. Willing <br /> Road) in Phase 1; <br /> iii. Turning Ben Johnson Road into a `right turn only'. Vehicles attempting to access the <br /> Interstate from Ben Johnson Road will turn right onto US Highway 70/1-85 Connector <br /> Road, complete a U-turn at the proposed signal approximately 500 ft. north, and access <br /> the Interstate via the existing on/off ramp. This work would be completed in Phase 1; <br /> iv. Numerous roadway improvements (i.e. widening for adding of turning lanes, development <br /> of traffic stops, etc.). <br /> STAFF COMMENT. Both Planning and NC DOT staff have reviewed the proposal. <br /> Comments are contained in Attachment 4. <br /> Improvements will need to be made to Mt. Willing Road to accommodate the <br /> current/anticipated traffic flow. County Comprehensive/Transportation Planning staff <br /> have recommended a roadway design consistent with the approved Efland-Buckhorn- <br /> Mebane Access Management Plan (EBM AMP). <br />