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18 <br /> Commissioner McKee said he can understand this argument, and sees his own success <br /> in life being connected to inherited property and others benefits. He said he sees a reparations <br /> plan costing trillions of dollars, not millions, and struggles to support a resolution prior to <br /> discussing the implication of the action. He said he supports HR 40 and universal health care. <br /> He said the minimum wage being increased to $15 would eliminate low wage work. He said he <br /> cannot support letter"c," as it is without any clarification or boundaries. He said the resolution <br /> overall is important, as it address the past, present and future, but it is important to really <br /> consider the future as we cannot remain a divided country. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she hoped the BOCC could pass this resolution <br /> unanimously. She said she would be willing to leave out letters b and c if it would earn <br /> Commissioner McKee's vote. <br /> Commissioner McKee said no, he has concerns with the entire section. He said <br /> conversations need to lead to specifics, and this is too general. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the entire section is important. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Greene to <br /> approve the Resolution in Support of Reparations for Black/African Americans, and authorize <br /> the Chair to sign the resolution. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if Commissioner McKee would be willing to vote for the <br /> resolution if Commissioner Greene's additional "Be It Further Resolved" were removed in its <br /> entirety. <br /> Commissioner McKee said yes, absolutely. <br /> Chair Price asked if the motion makers would approve the removal of letters "a" through <br /> "e" in the "be it further resolved". <br /> Commissioners Dorosin and Greene said no. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she would vote for this resolution, but wanted to <br /> acknowledge Commissioner McKee's concern that looks to resolutions calling on others to do <br /> something. She said Orange County should look at itself, and see what it can do to address <br /> systemic racism. She is hesitant to just put out words, and fail to follow up with specific actions. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she referenced the Darity/Mullen book as one approach to <br /> reparations, and, of course, there are other approaches. She said the intent is to move the <br /> conversation forward, which this resolution does. <br /> Chair Price called each Commissioner by name (roll call). <br /> VOTE: 6 Ayes; 1 Nay (Commissioner McKee) <br /> MOTION PASSES: 6-1 <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> NONE <br /> 6. Regular Agenda <br /> a. County Commissioners: Boards and Commissions Assignments <br /> The Board considered selecting Boards and Commissions on which Board members <br /> would like to serve during 2021. <br />