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17 <br /> private entities and financial institutions with the express purpose of investing in our <br /> Black/African American students and their families, investing in Black-owned farms and <br /> businesses, investing in Black/African American workers and investing in communities of color <br /> as first steps in providing long overdue reparations for the centuries of suffering, loss, anguish, <br /> injustice and trauma inflicted upon Black/African American women, men and children; and <br /> BE IT MOREOVER RESOLVED, that the Orange County Board of County Commissioners shall <br /> forward this resolution to the Governor of North Carolina, the North Carolina General Assembly, <br /> the Orange County Delegation to the US House of Representatives, and the North Carolina <br /> Members of the United States Senate. <br /> Signed this 7th day of December 2020. <br /> Chair Renee Price <br /> Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br /> Commissioner Greene said she had additional language to add regarding federal <br /> reparations. She said other local governments are interested in joining together to call for <br /> federal steps towards reparations. She read the proposed language, which is referenced in <br /> above resolution, in the first "be it further resolved" section. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked for broader language regarding healthcare disparities <br /> amongst African Americans in the 6t" whereas. She proposed the following language: <br /> "whereas, as evidenced in morbidity mortality rates, black African Americans have worse health <br /> outcomes due to the effects of systemic racism, including poor access to quality health care, <br /> higher rates of poverty, increased likelihood of living in a polluted environment, more stress, and <br /> sometimes biased treatment by medical professionals." <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he appreciated Commissioner Hamilton's remarks, and <br /> asked if access to health insurance could be included. He said gender expression should be <br /> added to the first "be it resolved". <br /> Commissioner Bedford said gender should also be included. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said ability should also be added. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if Commissioner Greene could provide clarity about her <br /> additional language, as it seems very broad. She said she supports all the wording, but <br /> wondered if it is too broad. <br /> Commissioner Greene said it is the exact same language that is being used in the <br /> Carrboro resolution. She said the language is not specific to Black African Americans, but it is <br /> certainly applicable. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he supports the original resolution and the wording added by <br /> Commissioner Hamilton, but referred to the first "be it further resolved" and said he cannot <br /> accept letters "b" and "c". He said letter"d" will cause low wage workers to lose their jobs, <br /> unless it is brought in very slowly. He referred to letter "a", and asked if a monetary number <br /> could be suggested. He asked if seizure of property or taxes will pay for this proposal. <br /> Commissioner Greene said the argument is being made by "From Here to Equality" <br /> authors, Darity and Mullen, that descendants of slaves and white Americans will never be on a <br /> level plane if only jobs are considered. She said the issue goes back to net worth, and the <br /> proposal calls for millions and millions of dollars to be paid to those who can prove they are <br /> descended from slaves. She said there would be a federal commission to oversee this process. <br /> She said this conversation has started at the federal level. <br />