Agenda - 02-02-2021 Virtual Board Meeting; 8-h - Public Comment Submission to the NC Utilities Commission on Duke Energy's 2020 Integrated Resource Plan
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Agenda - 02-02-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 02-02-2021 Virtual Board Meeting; 8-h - Public Comment Submission to the NC Utilities Commission on Duke Energy's 2020 Integrated Resource Plan
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1/28/2021 2:12:33 PM
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1/28/2021 2:03:27 PM
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Agenda - 02-02-2021 Virtual Board Meeting
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7 <br /> 3. Expand the distributed generation and utility-scale renewable energy solutions <br /> offered to help directly address our local government renewable energy, climate, <br /> and and equity goals <br /> As currently proposed in the IRP, renewable energy plays varying roles across the six IRP scenarios. The <br /> undersigned applaud scenarios C-F where both solar and wind play a more substantial role. The <br /> undersigned also note that depending on the scenario selected, additional renewable energy will be <br /> needed to meet our collective governmental and community-wide renewable energy targets, either <br /> through the basegrid service mix or participation in additional customer programs. Duke Energy's <br /> renewable grid mix of 14% in the Carbon Policy scenario is too low for local governments to reach our <br /> renewable energy targets.Accordingly,the undersigned request the Commission consider our collective <br /> goals when reviewing the proposed scenarios and as needed, request Duke Energy to utilize additional <br /> renewable energy resources or develop subsequent customer programs that allow local governments <br /> to reach stated goals. <br /> Given the significant portion of our communities that are confronted with energy burden as referenced <br /> above,the undersigned believe that it is ever more important to increase renewable energy procurements <br /> and collaborate on removing barriers to LMI programs. We look forward to collaborating with and <br /> supporting Duke Energy in the design and implementation of renewable energy programs such as new <br /> local renewable resources for municipal load and community-wide load, as well as community solar <br /> offerings with an emphasis on low-income customers. <br /> 4. Conduct a robust technological and economic analysis of the transmission <br /> investments needed to enable more renewables in future portfolios <br /> A reliable and cost-effective electric grid distribution and transmission infrastructure is critical to enabling <br /> a dramatic increase in renewable energy generation in North Carolina. Conventional power systems <br /> planning and Duke's analysis suggest that significant investments in the transmission system are necessary <br /> to enable higher penetrations of renewable energy.The undersigned local governments encourage a cost- <br /> effective and systematic transmission expansion approach that enables a cleaner electricity system that <br /> includes potential transmission upgrades and has transparent assumptions. There should also be more <br /> consideration of the potential transmission benefits of operating DEC and DEP as a single balancing <br /> authority or the impact of North Carolina's commitment to the SMART-POWER memorandum. Thus the <br /> undersigned recommend that Duke Energy undertake a more comprehensive and robust technological <br /> and economic analysis, including a substantial investigation of potential transmission alternatives, the <br /> repurposing of existing transmission corridors, and the economies of scale gained through large utility- <br /> scale renewable projects or joint balancing area planning. <br /> 5. Reassess EV penetration rate and take a proactive approach to growing electrical <br /> load through transportation electrification offerings <br /> Transportation electrification paired with clean energy portfolios will support the undersigned local <br /> governments' decarbonization goals and is in the public interest. Electrification will also provide value to <br /> Duke Energy through new revenue streams for the utility to grow its profits, as noted in the IRP. In the <br /> IRP,the assumed electric vehicle penetration rate is 7.3%by 2035,which might be too conservative,given <br /> major automakers' ambitious EV efforts. The undersigned commend Duke Energy's efforts through the <br /> 4 <br />
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