Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> d. A landscape plan showing the location of on-site significant trees;proposed screening, buffers, and landscaping; <br /> Iand any proposed treatment of any existing natural feature <br /> e. A summary of u6iAy services I <br /> I f_ A_ srhP. uh-,, for Constnirtinn/dev lonment of the nronerty_ <br /> Ig. Other required information identified by staff as part of the pre-application conference, and <br /> 2) The filing fee per the adopted Orange County fee schedule in affect as of the date of the application. <br /> I <br /> I ** NOTE: Please see attached documentation for submittal and process information associated with a <br /> Conditional 'Zoning request ** I <br /> I (we), the undersigned, have been made aware of the process for the review and action associated with a <br /> nn��itinnal T leP 51n liratinn and understand on!y comt»,lete appliratinns, rnntaininv all information renuirl-d <br /> by the Orange County UDO shall be reviewed and acted upon by the County. <br /> Further I (we) understand that any assistance I (we) may receive from County staff in preparing this <br /> application in no way guarantees a favorable recommendation by staff on the merits of this proposal nor does <br /> it guarantee an approval of the proposed atlas amendment by the County. <br /> Applicant <br /> Date: <br /> AppEcant <br />