Agenda - 01-19-2021; 6-a - Zoning Atlas Amendment Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning District (MPD-CZ) for Efland Station (formerly Beaver Crossing)
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Agenda - 01-19-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 01-19-2021; 6-a - Zoning Atlas Amendment Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning District (MPD-CZ) for Efland Station (formerly Beaver Crossing)
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Last modified
1/15/2021 9:12:02 AM
Creation date
1/15/2021 9:00:43 AM
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Agenda 01-19-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
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12 <br /> some of its employees at a similar rate 2. All jobs, with the exception of two management <br /> positions brought in to start the store,will be filled locally. <br /> Buc-ee's Travel Center has identified this site as a good location for their business because of the <br /> existing 125,000 cars traveling daily along Interstate 85/ 40, as well as Highway 70. The great <br /> majority of visitors to Buc-ee's will already be driving down one of these major roadways. A stop <br /> at Buc-ee's will create increased awareness of and interest in Efland that will likely generate <br /> opportunities for other businesses to flourish. Efland Station plans to capitalize on this renewed <br /> interest in Efland. <br /> In addition to Buc-ee's,the Efland Station Master Plan plans for neighborhood services and retail <br /> shops, full service, sit-down restaurants (drive-thru restaurants are prohibited), a hotel with 120 <br /> rooms,offices and financial services,medical uses,and select light manufacturing uses.This Phase <br /> II could result in another $1,000,000.00 in tax revenue and additional good jobs in more varied <br /> fields for nearby residents. <br /> The subject property is in the Upper Eno River Watershed outside of the critical watershed area. <br /> Consistent with Orange County's watershed policy, this area that has been designated by Orange <br /> County's 2030 Comprehensive Plan as a Commercial-Industrial Transition Activity Node. <br /> Orange County intends for the most intense uses permitted in the county to be developed in <br /> this area. Development in other areas of the Upper Eno River Watershed has been curtailed to <br /> allow for intense land uses in the area adjacent to busy highways and the railroad with access to <br /> public utilities. <br /> Since then, your professional staff and appointed boards and commissions have spent significant <br /> time and effort in providing a detailed review of the proposal. More specifically, Efland Station <br /> has been reviewed by the following: <br /> I. Planning Staff and Planning Board Review <br /> Planning staff review of the Efland Station Master Plan has been on-going since the plan was filed <br /> in August 2020. The resulting 19-page staff report addressed every planning related topic <br /> including access,transportation improvements, utilities, erosion control, stormwater, solid waste, <br /> land use buffers and setbacks,an environmental assessment,analysis regarding the Orange County <br /> Comprehensive Plan and the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan, the financial impact, the social <br /> justice impact and the environmental impact of the Efland Station Master Plan. <br /> This thorough and professional review resulted in a back <br /> g p a and forth dialogue with the applicant <br /> agreeing to many changes to address Planning staff concerns. These commitments are <br /> z advertises COVID Temporary Certified Medical Assistant jobs with Orange County Health Department <br /> with starting pay of$15.32 an hour. In addition, is advertising a Veterinary Health Care Technician <br /> ("Vet Tech")with the Orange County Animal Services Department that pays a starting wage of$34,472,just$3,272 <br /> more than an entry level Buc-ee's employee. Employment as a Vet Tech requires an Associate's degree in <br /> Veterinary Medical Technology or related field,or three(3)years of veterinary experience;whereas,a position <br /> with Buc-ee's requires no special experience or education. <br />
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