Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:B3D8E8FB-78D9-4B50-80E2-1077055FA40B <br /> Outside of Orange County 2 1 <br /> Total 250 206 230 240 <br /> Income <br /> Low-income(80%of the Area Median Income and Below) Please see <br /> income table in the attachments 175 130 150 152 <br /> Total 175 1301 1501 152 <br /> 8. Cost Per Individual <br /> This cost per individual must reflect the total program budget divided by the total number of program <br /> individuals in this application. <br /> Actual 2018-19 Projected 2019-20 Projected 2020-21 <br /> Total Cost of Program $272,126 $274,752 $300, 310 <br /> Total # of Individuals 206 230 240 <br /> Cost Per Individual $1,321 $1,195 $1,251 <br /> 9. Performance Indicators <br /> For Chapel Hill and Carrboro applicants: <br /> Please complete the following chart with information about the Strategic Objective, Intermediate Result, and <br /> the Agency Performance Indicator for each program for which you are applying for funding. Please see the <br /> Results Framework in the Attachments section as a reference. <br /> Program Name: <br /> Strategic ❑ Children improve their educational outcomes <br /> Objective <br /> (please choose onefrom 5a Residents Increase their livelihood security <br /> the Results Framework) <br /> ❑ Residents improve their health outcomes <br /> Intermediate Insert Intermediate Result here. <br /> Result Intermediate Result 2.1: Residents access the most appropriate <br /> (please choose one from <br /> the Results Framework) social safety net services. <br /> RESULTS Actual Projected Projected <br /> 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 <br /> Performance % and # of 194 (94%) 195 (85%) of 196 (82%) of <br /> Indicators participants who do of participants participants <br /> (Please choose atleast not become court participants will not will not <br /> oneperformance involved during the did not become become <br /> indicator to report on program become court court <br /> from the Results <br /> Program information P a g e 10 0 `1 2 1 <br />