Orange County NC Website
~. `~ ~ -~y <br />CHAPEL WATCH VILLAGE <br />Zoniag Atlas Amendment <br />Statement of Justification <br />The property owner, Campus Estates, LLC, formally requests that a 34.99 acre site (Tax Map <br />References 7.18..15, 7.18..16, and 7.18..16A) located south of Eubanks Road, east of the <br />University Rail Line, north of the approved Larkspur subdivision, and west of the Northwood <br />subdivision, be rezoned from a mixture of Residential-1 (R-1), Residential-2 (R-2}, and Mixed <br />Use, Office/Institutional (MIJ-OI-1) zoning districts that currently exist on the site to a <br />Residential-S-Conditional (R-S-C) zoning district, with a density cap of 8.06 dwelling units per <br />acre. <br />'The Town of Chapel Hill's Land Use Management Ordinance prescribes that in order to <br />establish and maintain sound, stable, and desirable development within the planning jurisdiction <br />of the Town it is intended that the Chapel Hill Zoning Atlas shall not be amended except: <br />1. to correct a manifest error in the Zoning Atlas, or <br />2. Because of changed or changing conditions in a particular area or the jurisdiction <br />generally, or <br />3. to achieve the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />The applicant believes that this rezoning request can be justified for the third reason noted above. <br />Achieving the Purposes of the Comprehensive Plan <br />The Town's 2000 Comprehensive Plan and accompanying Land Use Plan reflect significant <br />growth that occurred in northern Chapel Hill during the late 1990s, and envisioned additional <br />growth and development in this azea. In particulaz, the following events aze noteworthy with <br />regard to growth and development in northwest Chapel Hill over the last several years: <br />~~ <br />• The opening of the Town's northern Pazk & Ride Lot on Eubanks Road in the mid- to <br />late-1990s; and, the establishment and regular operation of transit services on <br />Eubanks Road; <br />