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g) Preliminary COVCCp[Analysis-Co-opemnon ofhensfer slanon end Current Mixetl <br />Solid W sale LandlilVLantldeuing aotl Inert Debris R«ydivg Center (see anaehmevl <br />#3) <br />At solid waste Advisory BOUd meetings Ws past aprwg, quetiona uoec regarding the concept <br />afproaeding to devdop atravsfer stanan while the mixed solid waste Imdfll was still w <br />operation. sta[£exarvined the issue and delermitred Nat because oCexie[ing apace covelminls, <br />this notion would be most logical if the iransf« station was located in the northern part of <br />Orange Cowry. <br />Additionally, previous discussions by the CBd) Recycling Task Porce focusetl on a v«d m <br />usidec a laudcleariug end Wert debris recycling £eciVtybecause Neproposed Regulated <br />Recyclable Malenah Ordinance prohibits burwng of Imdcleazing debris and [here is curcrn[ly no <br />fiurctioml eltervatlve (or generators of[hese matMals. Staffbelieves drat Nis landscape <br />material couldba ground and sold esmitlch, comport err boiler fuel. ]Care appeue to be little <br />space on Eubanks Road to manage lavddcerivg debris, so altemazive areas ofNe cowry may <br />need to heoonsidered OurNmmore, staffbelieveaemadymukcl cziare for rocyrlcd N«I <br />materal and Nat Nis activity could be eo-avN alanddearing debris recycling facility. 9oth <br />have the potential to grnemte revenue for the mtcrpriec Nvd. <br />The attached report discusses in somedetail Ne concepts ofboth anoMem bansfu station and <br />lavdcleming and inert debris r«ydwg. <br />h) Compoadvg (s« amchmenis p4 vvtl #5) <br />In response m a Commissioner inyuiry about the role ofcompos[wg in Orange Couvry's solid <br />waste menagemrntplen, eteffprepered the accompanying memo outlining general wmposdng <br />appmacbes, Na co~ideration o[ewtre4zed wmpoetiv3 d,^-^g Ne 19Y6 WPSTON study, and <br />curtrnt and prospedive County pmgam ing and initiatives relamdm composting. <br />