Orange County NC Website
Bond approvN in OCmbttwith conswefion beginningin November. As previously nerd in <br />smf£repode, a budget mrmdmevt N appmprieve I'uvd balance ftOVi Na Solid Waategavdfill <br />Operations F,nmrprise Fwd will be required N fund meprojedbecausc appropnetione approved <br />in provious f el years nave lapsetl and reverend m rood balance. <br />The Houd of Comnussinnem alNmved a no fee base ageemmt this past spring and we aze now <br />abteto proceed wfN executlon. Opevmg ofthis recycling center has been a tdgh priority fvt ma <br />Cazrboro Hoard ofNdermen. They and Ca¢boro smffhave workal cvllaburativelywim me <br />Counq~romove this pxojcd elovg. Upfront consttuc[ion costs for the projwt are new estimated <br />to be $50,000-$b5,00U. Wien the l0 year site use agrcemen[approved by the BOCC, staff <br />believes mat me amortaed capiml costs represent a good invesmtevt iv a site that is likely to <br />tmyclmg converdeme formmy County residents, increase pettieipohon m avmall <br />rccrease <br />tychugvomme, ma reant~ some of me oyuaow tnat;a nccesi0nally expedmtea at omen <br />recycling NopoH'silw. <br />a> xmsnomngh commareial sous wrote couecdou <br />The Hillebomogh Tovn BoW voted in lanuery 2001 m cease provision ofdempetcr service in <br />ttidsbOrough by ]Wy 1, 2002. Hosed initially ov conwms rdamd to Intttlacal Agreement <br />regtdremmts Nat the Town's solid waste be delivnedto Caunly solid waste system facilities, <br />s[afl opened diacusvons with Ne Tvvm Mvtager and sNffregaNivg how the Town might beet <br />ore vM1e vovtinued flow of solid wrote to the COmty system One eovcaptxaisM is tnaz the <br />Solid Wane Mmag®mt Oepadmmt could take over commetoial collection sernoos, aseumwg <br />Tovm and cowry Board vpproval, aM not only continue to cflptme the wastes ww being <br />dellvaodm synma{acilities, but to implemmigfre bve~wmmaolW Collodion program and <br />gevemte additional tcc for service revenues forme enterprise fund m well. <br />Absent 6000 diroction to Ne wnrcmy, stall'will continue to discuss ibis matter vnN the Town <br />smf(ptthaps resulting inaformalproposalN take over mia whecdon ettvice. SmRbeGeves <br />both the TOWN mdtha enterprise [u¢d tanbmefi[. if mdwhm amubrally agreeable <br />azrengemwrt is idmdfied i[ will be submived to ibe Hoard far consideration. <br />eJ Rcmrrlvg 6olia Waste Cantrage{eoe atNehmmt#1) <br />When the Comty assumed aaponsibility in Apri12000 for evemll solid waste management, the <br />Board requestM and received a list of retorting contracts Nat at one point or amNerwbuld <br />reyuire BOazd approval. Av updated list of each wn¢ams ispmvitled simply fm the Board's <br />ivfonnvtion. Nduded on mia tin aze two commode cwrontty scheduled £or Hoard conaideraficv <br />al Nc September 18 regolaz meeting. The N-House GovemmmNl building Recycling Commact <br />is m'scussed in agenda itemp4above The MWti-Pamily Recyaling Con¢aot is erenewal Ofm <br />cxieting agreemeW wiN vo mbstanfive chmges. <br />D Toxicity Reduction Improvesvent Program Prapveal (see atmcM1menl k2) <br />StfltEwishes m introduce a pmposvl Nat combines exielivg and proposal mxicity reduction <br />progrema/activitles iutoatoxicity raduvtionpublic campaiev. The objective is to mvkc the <br />concept of mxicity reaudian more visible and Wtimatety reduce the patmdal forpollurtav from <br />wastes generated aMmanaged in Orange County. Staff is inlecested in Bomd feedback on this <br />proposal. <br />