Orange County NC Website
Orv-Cdl HaHerv Rwvcll <br />na.wmem e <br />The peparvnaot of Solid Waste Man¢gement req¢es6 ayyroval of Me new Rayclwg <br />Matcnale Hmdlcr (RMFp posirion (grade 62) at v proposed $26,221 plus bwafits, in <br />oNer to fWly implement a pmgam'aimed az inducing the mnowt of tlry-cell ba[eries <br />being disposM of in the Orange County LavdfiR. Diverting batteries will reduce the <br />toxicity of the materials buried in We Imdfitl. lLcsc duties would absorb a projected <br />3D% o£ the smR time az a pm-rated cost of 8],416 Other prograrn costa include [M <br />reeyelmg contract, sapplics and education matccisle az a wet of $18,fi35. 'the RMH will <br />have other duties descdhed separately (or wllecdon of compukrs end in-house office <br />rwycl¢bles, <br />It is estimated that each household generates approxvnataly 2.2 pounds of dry-cell <br />b¢ttenes each year. AccoNmg to the F3A, "cvrn though dry cell bananas represent less <br />than 1 portent by weight oCmunicipal solid waslq may account Por 53 pemmt of all the <br />cadmium and 88 pttcent of all the mercury foovtl m the mtmicipel solid weete stream." <br />This proposM program will accept the following types of dry-cell (inn-liquid bearing) <br />batteries: <br />Alkaline, Zinc Carboq Nickel Gihnium (NiCd), Nickel Metal Ilydddc (lYi-MH), <br />LiWum, Lfllfium ioa (L4ion), Silver Oxidq Mercury, Zum Air, and 9calttl Lead Acid <br />(Pb)beaerles. <br />As Ws pmgmm is evvisivn~, drycell haaeries will be aollwPod from the following <br />locations: <br />• Orange County SOhd Wavte Convcruuncc CCn[crs; <br />Partieipativg local businesses (Note thaz wa currently collect batteries from Carol <br />• Woods, PFotoquiok, Redlo Shack at Rastgara Shopping Canto; and Radio 6hack ¢t <br />Univttsity Mall; and <br />• Curbside with ether wrbsidc mcyclables. <br />To begin to satisfy citizen demand fm this serv e, [he DepartmesH of Solid N'arte <br />Mavugemmt is wrrantly in the pmeeee of eeteblisldng collection oP drycell M1ettwiae <br />Rom the $otld Was2 Converdevec Cev[aa. Wkle Wis srn will be pat iv Place <br />wiNOUt the requested RccYCling Materials H¢ndler, it will Place a baNm ov existing <br />s. )n oNerto handle theprojected mnovnte of dry-cell baQenea herein estimatetl, <br />wd azpeeially to atenmmadate curbside collation of dry-cetl baztmeq the x quested <br />csv position will he needed to transport, yrocess, package, and prepma the banerics for <br />shipment to market. <br />Pmpased RMH Duties: <br />TM1e re3aested RMH wip Perf rm the following defies associated with drY~ell bwmry <br />recycling'. <br />• Regular wuwaion o[batlenes Rnm exM1 SWCC dropaff collation point, fiom the <br />curbside recycling comractoq and on<all collection of batteries from participating <br />Itral bueinoeses; <br />