Orange County NC Website
to markot iFbusinesses, omm IoW govemmmtS or the schcol systems wish m deliver <br />large qumtities of i[ans to this pro&am, mcy cm make appeintmmis and deliver the <br />equipment directly to [be pmpoced electronics processing area & [hc Omnge Cawty <br />LmdNl, but vol to tyre Commicucc Cevtcre u thosewW accept only residmtiel wum. <br />Pm'ecfon for Amouut ofMalcrials Cow <br />It is difficult to project tormege for this proposed program b~auaa alectmnim recycling <br />is so new, a¢d there is lime Ieng tam data on which to base prrnmtions. Preliminary <br />projections azemaz tM Depamrma of5olid wosle Ntmagement wiE collect Wrty to fihy <br />toys of wmpatas and related equipment w the fort ycaz ol'epvatian ff non-residmtial <br />materials aza areeptad. While Ibe Town or Cary collecmd only 10 tore dining then feet <br />months of nperatign, we believe the pent-up dearlmd in Ormge County coupled <br />wN the 50% lazgu papuladon of Orvlge Cawty and the option m :uld non-reeidential <br />materals makes 30 m 50 tans a reasonable projection. <br />Pa[mtiffi Program Costs <br />Progam vests have a potmtislly loge vairaliom dcpcmlml upuu We arrow[ of materials <br />brevght m and dm cost to process IherR Ste field. of aledronies recycling is qw[a <br />dynamic right now and new compaluea arc coming rote existmce rapidly. The reefs <br />projxtM far this pmgmm me based on assumptions made during the budgatin%process. <br />Acmel costs for mntred sav will be dgermined though issuance of an RFP, <br />selection of a meeessfut bidders pod by how Inmh material is callceted. There is <br />potmtial to charge pmgrdm user fees [or Ihose ilema for which a proeessmg [ce will be <br />charged m [he Cowry, i.e. computer monitors. <br />Projected Program Cwt <br />Coro uter Re ells Cotlectivns Year 1 75 % of cur) FuR e <br />Pamemel and bmefim (pm-tekd ®40%) <br />fnr25% ofthe ear I t,124 15,499 <br />~Cavtrad Srrvica' 25,125 26,255 <br />I'DUCk rust a40% 19,200 Non-mcvrnrr <br />Tmck fuel and maivtmmcc 40% J50 1045 <br />rot and nlnted PPE( -mteB"" 220 205 <br />Building, Smmge units, supplies & <br />aintenettce 56,200 5,620 --1096 for <br />aintenvnce <br />Education and OubeacM1 1,500 1,568 <br />Rcvmmc from $5 chaz aRr CRTS 5,625) (5,625) <br />Total ID6,494 44.SG] <br />" Assumes lS nuckloads to New lerseybased contmcmrlIlVICOR. <br />Pro-rated at60%oftomlfor uniforms, depmvnent supplies, PPE. <br />see Building alldcated 100%te tlus program but used by others. <br />