Orange County NC Website
whet quantity of mataiale will the prog<am copmtY <br />How much will this proem coat and how will those costs be home? <br />A ed Mn arlak dM ke <br />The Department of Solid Waste Management would initially accept computers, computer <br />oNwrs, end compvmr related devices. The longer-tam goal would be to ezpmd this <br />program m accept/ velevieione, t~ meab]ve; end stereo and video componrnts ll ie also <br />rccammmdM that we accept elecwltics from reeidmta of Ormge County, govemmmt <br />agencies within Orange County,. tFe xhuol systems within Omngc Cowty, and, ov a <br />limited basis, from busivesees within Ornge Covvty. Pmallg the concept o4 sharing the <br />czpcvac o(marmgmg these maerials with those who use the progam is m opfrdn. Por <br />ample, i[ coWd be possible to charge [M1C businesses or govemmmpl agencies, as well <br />az resNmtq who wish to raycle computer monitms a tip fee or co-pay charge on the <br />order 55.00 Rr aeoh oomputa monitor they wish to have recycled. h should be voted <br />that the concept of charging lm recycling smdec is s departure from the typical Orange <br />County recycHVgpreaice ofprovlding collwtion services ai vo eh¢ge. <br />Dacisiore about what materials will be accepted by m clectrmics progam are ddvrn in <br />mmy ways Fy the availabIDty of markets and the am wt of money the program is <br />p[eporei m spend in order m divert the speci5c materials from land-haled diapoasl. <br />Markers for compumrs, computer monitors, arW canput¢ periph¢Ws (printers, <br />keyboards, m e, an) are We moat w and me most a mically feasible w <br />eooaes. For this raasoa, Cary and wake COmty limit UreJr tolleotlovmthese items. <br />Markets for otF¢post-cavsumer eleclromes such as Rereo equipment, VLRS, telephones, <br />fax machines, s¢d older post-wvwm¢ elechndce do exist, but these items typfwlly <br />preswt less of a ducat m landfills in krma of potential cont~uvinatiev, and the value of <br />the rc ered moteriW is umeiWy negligible FurtF¢, the markets Cor the <br />afnr¢nmtioved poet-voiasumer alectrordcs tend tv be different @om tFOSe IFat hmdla <br />compu[¢s. <br />Televisiora repmemt a pattlwlar chellmga whm It comes m management 6r recycling. <br />Televisions and order Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) beating items mWaiv crags of 7 m <br />e pomda of lead p¢ uWt. WFile Computer Monitors coviviv CRTs, themais a sigdGcant <br />dmmvd far refurbiahed/reptired movitors,.espmiWly vi countries outside the US. This <br />dama~ does rot exist fur mad televieiam. Punlr¢, as the change to digital telcvieian <br />lakes place in May of 2003, and err sup~ede [o televisions with diglal <br />timer <br />cvpvbillry and / or to lelevielana with Figher quality Pictmas (hlg6 dwvTy err FigF <br />defmitiov televisions, also called HDNe), the numb¢ of talavisiprls mtaivg fie waste <br />stream ie expaotad to ak}nocke[. Recydmg option 5 fodtalevisions are currently mro, aM <br />typically apevsive. As tlu demand for this service &ows, i[ ie anticipated tkas more <br />recycw, options fortelevisions will became available. <br />CollerADv lnasdaus <br />The Departmmt proposes to operate adrop-ot£program for ibe cvllalion of elecvnnics, <br />accepting these niatedola at the Orange County Solid Wate Cnnverdrnee Cerrters and at <br />the Ormge Cmmsy LavdNl. The dropped of£materiale wilt be collected from the dcop- <br />off points by the A~ffI, wM will process these materials and prepam them for shipment <br />