Agenda - 10-01-2001-4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-01-2001
Agenda - 10-01-2001-4
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
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EI«Yrowea Itecrctine Proeram <br />Attachment C <br />The Deparlmmt of Solid Waste Mavegcmmt xcqucsis approval of Na new Rmyding <br />Mat«iale Handler (RIaIIi) (grade 62, proposed eatery $26,221 plus benefits) position in <br />order m imylttvmt o proposed al«trodes recycling program l0 Avert mmputars, <br />modtom, and rclahd equipment from deposal A the Orange County landfill. It is <br />mticipazed [ha[ the Pmposd RMH will d~icaza 40% of hislh« [ime az wnll as 40°o nP <br />the wa[ of n rzuck m the d«[ronies program frr wd«[ing melcride. Po addifioq Mare <br />me the oust of a binding, supplies, skpping, and a wmraG, fur a reeyrlinglsaWagdrcux <br />market The remaininx fi0°/a of the program/sniff 4me is projected m be devoted to dry <br />cell battery mlle<tion and irohovse government office copcctiova. <br />The first year cost for the electodes recycling program ie projected at $112,119 <br />including Ae 40% share of the proposed employee Mr ]s o oPMa year, a track, sldpping, <br />recycling, and processing building, The Proportiovel cost M year one, of the proposed <br />empley« salary plus benefits as dated with the electrodes recycling program is <br />$1I,17a. Urut rms and PPE aze $1]0 addi[ional. <br />BI«trodcs produde such az compu[cm, «mputm movitom, and mlevisons eccouvt for a <br />sigrllficmt amount of the heavy mewls (m pavimler lead, az well az some mercury and <br />cadmium) bang disposed o[ ht the Omuge Comdy IavdQd. Corrmsunines souse the <br />owtry hove begun to acknowldgc the problems these items pose m the waste abeam, <br />and have tekm measures m manage this threat Both Cati[omia and Mazsachusatta have <br />hnnn~all lavdfilliug or mciwretion o[mmpmm monimri wake CCOVty has proWbi[ed <br />Imdfdling of modtun that are not residentially genttated u they ere deeenrA hazardous <br />wastes; computer monitors avd color mlevieiovs do not pass [he requved Federal test Por <br />depositing N a solid waste landlll or incineratnr. Residm[ul waste is exempt fium <br />Aesere6nlariova but still mnml~ptas to tM toxicity toed. <br />The Town of Cary began a tw-foe mcyding program offering resfdmtinl curbside <br />«Ileefion of compuma iv November of 2000. Cary repm2a that Neir program cellx[ed <br />just mdm 10 tons of wmputtts during PY2000-2001. Wake Comty held acne-day <br />public cell«tien cvmt for wmputers last winter, and began ¢ permanent drop-oll <br />edI Aiov propmn Mr computers and wmyutm ralamd el«wdes av September 3, 2001. <br />Fox non-residmtid gmeratom, Wake Counry is chmging $6 per monitor and $5 pn <br />`load' of computco-related equipmmt that is ml moniors. There is na chmge for <br />residmtid computers. As these programs bnve received pnbpcity; there has been <br />significmrt cifizm demmd for recydiv8 options in Ormge County. <br />Approval of dte 12MH position is critical W the Creannn of m elecrodrs mcycpng <br />program in Orange Counry. This grog{mr haz the potential m reduce boM volume and <br />mxiciry Ofwazte w the Orange CotmtyLmdfdl. <br />Significant issues m consitlu wcludc: <br />where mvtexinle will Mepmgram eucapt7 <br />What ma Ac markgefrtheaccapted metarids4 <br />Where end how will the mmedals be n«epted? <br />
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