Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> EXHIBIT H <br /> GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br /> (These General Terms and Conditions may be modified by Special Conditions in Exhibit A,and it should <br /> be reviewed for possible modifications to these General Terms and Conditions.) <br /> A. Affirmative Covenants <br /> 1. Title. If the property right to be acquired is fee title, Grant Recipient shall acquire good and <br /> marketable title to the Property free and clear of any liens,other charges or encumbrances that would materially <br /> affect the use of the Property as intended under this Grant Contract. The General Warranty Deed shall convey <br /> such rights and establish such restrictions on use as may be deemed by the Fund suitable to accomplish the <br /> purposes set out in Exhibit A. Outstanding mineral rights are not an acceptable exception to title unless <br /> specifically approved by the Fund's Board of Trustees. <br /> 2. Conservation Easement. If the property right to be acquired is a conservation easement,Grant <br /> Recipient shall obtain a valid and enforceable Conservation Easement,and assure that the Seller has possession <br /> and ownership,free and clear of any liens,other charges or encumbrances that would materially affect the use <br /> of the Property as intended under the Conservation Easement. The Grant Recipient will be the holder of the <br /> Conservation Easement and will then immediately assign the Conservation Easement to the State by and <br /> through the Fund or continue to hold the Conservation Easement, based onNCLWF's evaluation of the <br /> Project's management or monitoring requirements. Whether the Grant Recipient will immediately assign or <br /> hold the Conservation Easement will be the sole decision ofNCLWF. The Conservation Easement shall convey <br /> such rights and establish such restrictions on use as may be deemed by the Fund or the State suitable to <br /> accomplish the purposes set out in Exhibit A and indemnifications satisfactory to the Fund. Grant Recipient <br /> covenants that it will monitor the Property for compliance with the restrictions on use contained in the <br /> Conservation Easement and will report any observed or suspected violations to the Fund. <br /> 3. No Miti ag tion. Grant Recipient shall not use the Property or any portion thereof to satisfy <br /> compensatory mitigation requirements under 33 USC § 1344 or N.C.G.S. §143-214.11. <br /> 4. Right of Entry and Inspections.The Grant Recipient shall permitNCLWF's representatives <br /> to enter the Property for inspection of the Property and to enter any other premises of the Grant Recipient <br /> associated with the activities of the Grant Recipient pursuant to the Grant, including to review books and <br /> records in any way related to the Grant or the Property. <br /> 5. Retention, Operation, Maintenance and Use. Grant Recipient agrees to carry out the <br /> Acquisition as approved by the Fund.The Grant Documents and accompanying or related plans,specifications, <br /> estimates,procedures and maps submitted to the Fund by the Grant Recipient are the foundation of this Grant <br /> Contract. Only changes deemed non-material in type by the Executive Director of the Fund may be made <br /> without the consent of the Fund's Board of Trustees. Furthermore, Property interests acquired with Grant <br /> assistance from the Fund shall be used for the purposes identified in the Grant Contract, and Grant Recipient <br /> hereby agrees to file or record such restrictions as may be required to assure such continued use and the <br /> continued validity of any Conservation Easement,if applicable. <br /> 6. Si�nage. IfNCLWF's approval of this Project allows public access to and/or public <br /> education activities at the Project site,the Grant Recipient shall post signs provided by NCLWF at the <br /> public areas such as,but not limited to,trail heads,parking areas,kiosks, and boat ramps. The signs shall <br /> be posted in number,location, and manner satisfactory toNCLWF. Grant Recipient may provide the <br /> signs, and the signs must acknowledge NCLWF as a funding partner,conform toNCLWF's sign policies <br /> Orange County,North Carolina(NCLWF 2020-048 Moorefields Estate) <br /> Final—November 30,2020 Page 21 of 27 <br />