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42 <br /> 3. Denote internal landscaping (i.e. parking lot and parking lot <br /> perimeter, building, preservation of existing significant <br /> foliage, etc.) on Sheet 6.0 of the Master Concept Plan set. <br /> 4. Major Transportation Corridor (MTC) buffers, including <br /> requested breaks consistent with Section 6.6.4 of the UDO. <br /> Staff is recognizes the proposal calls for a managed MTC <br /> buffer, versus a cleared 'visual break', for the approximately <br /> 1,200 linear ft. of Property along the Interstate exit. <br /> This proposed 'managed MTC buffer break' constitutes a <br /> design standard exceeding current UDO requirements. <br /> vi. The roadway cross-section on Sheet C 5.0 appears acceptable for <br /> internal roadway development. Staff recommends the drawing be <br /> updated to show typical landscaping installation as well. <br /> vii. Provide language (Sheet C 2.0) indicating if denoted stormwater <br /> control measures (SCMs) are: <br /> 1. For illustrative purposes (i.e. final SCM location shall be <br /> determined with the submittal of a formal stormwater <br /> management plan in accordance with the UDO); <br /> 2. Are anticipated to serve as master drainage basin areas or <br /> for specific 'pods'. <br /> viii. Sheet C 4.0: Section 6.7.1 (B) (6) of the UDO requires a map <br /> detailing the utility master plan for the project. While this Sheet <br /> provides the majority of required detail(s), the submittal should be <br /> modified as indicated: <br /> 1. Provide notes detailing anticipated/proposed utility lines (i.e. <br /> water/sewer) anticipated within the project. <br /> 2. Denote the anticipated location of sidewalks to assist staff <br /> ascertain if there will be any conflicts with utility location. <br /> 3. The map will need to be modified to include the detailed <br /> design calculations for the project indicating that the <br /> proposed utility lines are sufficient for expected development <br /> and associated/estimated density for the project. <br /> 4. Include a note indicating: 'All onsite utilities shall be <br /> underground unless approved by the Board of County <br /> Commissioners'. <br /> 5. Indicate connection points to various utility lines. <br /> 6. Denote the location of any anticipated/planned utility <br /> infrastructure (i.e. pump stations, etc.). <br /> 7. Provide detail on anticipated fire flow for the proposed utility <br /> lines with detail on how same will support the project. As a <br /> general reminder fire flow requirements are necessary for <br /> consideration when sizing water lines. <br /> 20 <br />