Orange County NC Website
41 <br /> IV. MASTER PLAN SET: <br /> A. Section 6.7.1 (B) (1) of the UDO requires a map of the development site. <br /> While the Master Concept Plan set provides the majority of required <br /> detail(s), specifically Sheet(s) C 2.0 and 2.1 the submittal should be <br /> modified as indicated: <br /> i. Label and identify the various `lines' on the submitted map(s). Staff <br /> recommends you use different colors to help distinguish the <br /> information contained on the individual maps. <br /> ii. Sheet(s) C 2.0 and 2.1 should display the stream/wetland buffer <br /> area per Section 6.13 of the UDO. <br /> iii. As previously indicated herein, Sheet(s) C 2.0 and 2.1 should <br /> display the following information: <br /> 1. Proposed floor area ratio (FAR) for the Project. <br /> 2. Proposed impervious surface area for the Project. <br /> 3. Proposed open space. <br /> 4. Breakdown of landscape/buffer area (i.e. acreage) for the <br /> Project. <br /> 5. Proposed setbacks (internal and external). <br /> 6. Anticipated number of parking spaces, loading berths/stalls, <br /> etc. <br /> 7. Maximum allowable building height (in general and per each <br /> individual development `pod' if there will be a difference). <br /> 8. Anticipated number of parking spaces with access to <br /> alternative energy charging stations (if proposed). <br /> iv. The Project will involve the relocation of existing overhead utility <br /> lines. Staff will need documentation indicating the relocated power <br /> line/easement(s) have been approved, and if development is <br /> located within the easement said activity has been approved by the <br /> utility provider. <br /> v. Sheet C 6.0 and 6.1 serves as the landscape master plan for the <br /> project. Staff recommend(s) the following: <br /> 1. A 75 ft. land use buffer along the northern property line <br /> separating the residential land uses from Development <br /> Area(s) 5 and 3. Planting requirements would follow what is <br /> proposed for the Type F buffer option as depicted on Sheet <br /> 6.1. <br /> 2. The proposed tree planting requirements appear to be <br /> consistent with the provisions of Section 6.8.6 (F) of the <br /> UDO. <br /> 19 <br />