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17 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he has the exact opposite opinion. He said it is bad <br /> planning to have parcel and zoning lines that do not match. He said going through these issues <br /> is not a good use of a Board's time. He said zoning lines run through parcels, and the rural <br /> buffer, etc. He said this is a matter of cleaning things up, and not wasting resident, staff, and <br /> Board time in the future. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she fully agrees with Commissioner Greene, and partially <br /> agrees with Commissioner Dorosin. She said she would favor staff looking at areas of obvious <br /> concern, if staff has time to do so. She said the definition of"minor" will vary, and she does not <br /> want a policy, but would be in favor of doing the work. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos agreed with Commissioner Dorosin, and said 99% of the time <br /> it would be an easy fix. He said Commissioner Greene's concerns could be included in any <br /> policy, giving neighbors a chance to weigh in. He said if there were disagreements, then the <br /> boards could get involved. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if staff could clarify the exact policy that is being proposed. <br /> Perdita Holtz said staff is having preliminary discussions, and suggested having the <br /> policy be some sort of parameters with a maximum distance/square feet/acres that the <br /> WASMBPA line could be changed to better match a zoning line. <br /> Commissioner Price asked who made make the ultimate decision. <br /> Perdita Holtz said the staffs of the five parties. <br /> Craig Benedict, Planning Director, said in the majority of cases, the water sewer line was <br /> a ridgeline. He said the maps were drawn by hand in 2001, and current technology could be <br /> more accurate. He said the policy would say what is considered minor, and what could be <br /> agreed to and handled by staff. He said major decisions would come back to the boards. <br /> Commissioner Price agreed with streamlining the process, but said she is a little leery <br /> about leaving staff responsible for these decisions, and determining minor versus major. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if staff could bring the minor, easier, decisions to the five <br /> boards for one large approval, and go through the more major decisions over time. <br /> Craig Benedict said yes, and it would take a while for staff to come up with the <br /> parameters. <br /> Commissioner McKee agreed with Commissioner Dorosin, and said he is confident in <br /> staff's judgement. <br /> Commissioner Greene agreed that this particular one was obvious and minor, but said a <br /> policy would take a lot of work. She said she would rather staff bring a slate of these minor <br /> fixes, and have the boards approve them in one fell swoop. <br /> Chair Rich reminded the Board that a vote is not necessary at this time on this particular <br /> section. She said staff can bring back minor and major examples, and a policy may come out of <br /> that. <br /> Commissioner Greene said it is her understanding that this evening the BOCC is being <br /> asked to direct staff on formulating a policy or not. She said she is not in favor of a policy on <br /> this issue, but rather bringing items to the BOCC as they arise, or as staff is able to review <br /> them. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said Commissioner Greene's suggestion is how the process <br /> currently works, and any changes will still have to go through all 5 boards, which is inefficient. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he did not want to speak for Commissioner Dorosin, but <br /> believes they are in agreement. He said if staff brings back several of these issues, and the five <br /> boards disagree on one particular property, the process gets bogged down in bureaucracy. He <br /> said it is this type of situation that frustrates residents. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said even with a policy, there will be 5 staffs that have to agree. <br /> She said some of these issues will be difficult, and possibly very political. She said she <br />