Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> I am in process of creating a document for Orange County Commissioners suggesting some amendments to UNIFIED <br /> ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE. I would appreciate any comments. <br /> 1.When using a choke chain that the chain be snugged and a stop such as a D-link which would reduce chances of the <br /> dog from backing out of the choke chain. <br /> 2 That owners of dogs recognized as being aggressive ( pit bulls, rotweilers, dobermans, etc) be barred from approaching <br /> withing 20 feet of other owners/dogs unless granted permission. <br /> 3. Alternatively that a complaint about an aggressive dog could result in similar ban on approaching within 20-30 feet in <br /> descretion of animal control officer. This would add an additional tool that is step below the dangerous dog declaration <br /> and would increase safety without unduly burdening owners of agressive dogs. <br /> 4. In descretion of animal control officer allow a muzzle to be required without dangerous dog declaration <br /> 5. Special circumstances such as condominiums or multifamily complexes where close encounter likely be considered. <br /> 6. Violations of above be defined as misdemeanor assault if no persons or pets, low level felony if person or <br /> pets injured . <br /> On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, 3:50:13 PM EDT, JOSEPH WILLIAMS <kokomoio50(a)>wrote: <br /> In the pic showing the trees you may have to zoom in on the cars to visualize <br /> Thanks <br /> Joseph Williams PO Box 635 Hillsborough NC 27278 919-260-2577 <br /> 4 <br />