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3 <br /> Staff is recommending that UNC Campus EMS be granted a Franchise to operate within the <br /> confines of the attached Franchise Ordinance. The terms of this Franchise Ordinance provides <br /> for a five year franchise for the following: <br /> Emergency Services <br /> • EMT Non-Transport Services <br /> The terms outlined in the Franchise Agreement have been negotiated and are consistent with <br /> the terms of An Ordinance Regulating Emergency Medical, First Responder and Rescue <br /> Service and Granting of Franchise and Contracts to the Operators In the County of Orange and <br /> its' amendments. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: UNC Campus EMS falls within the UNC Campus Health Department and <br /> maintains an independent budget. There is no financial impact to the County. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goal is applicable to <br /> this item: <br /> • GOAL: CREATE A SAFE COMMUNITY <br /> The reduction of risks from vehicle/traffic accidents, childhood and senior injuries, gang <br /> activity, substance abuse and domestic violence. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: There is no Orange County Environmental Responsibility Goal <br /> impact associated with this item. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve: <br /> 1. Approve the grant of a franchise for a five year term to UNC Campus EMS for Basic <br /> Emergency Life Support Services and Emergency Services as provided below: <br /> a. EMT Non-transport Services <br /> 2. Approve the Franchise Agreement under which UNC Campus EMS will operate during <br /> the five year period of franchise. As a condition of granting the Franchise within the 90 <br /> days of the granting of the Franchise, UNC Campus EMS will enter into an Operations <br /> Agreement with Orange County that provides for the daily operational functions within <br /> the Orange County Emergency Services System. <br /> 3. Bring back the Franchise Agreement for second reading approval at the Board's <br /> December 15, 2020 regular meeting; and <br /> 4. If approved on second reading, authorize the Chair to sign the Franchise Agreement <br /> after review by the County Attorney's Office. <br />