Orange County NC Website
their ultimate.. mature habits. The sizes specifletl in the List of Plants will reFletl this <br />fact. <br />Current practice tlidates [he size range oinursery-grown plants chosen for most <br />landscape projects. These size ranges allow installation of healthy, vigorous plants. <br />These plants, if pmpedy maintainetl, can be expedetl to achieve rapitl growth and, in <br />a few yeaYS time, their fuller effetls. Experience shows That installing plants <br />signi(cantly larger than these size ranges not only increases the cost of the prpjeG. <br />bm tlpes not necessarily result in a "quicker'realization of larger plant size (antl in this <br />case. screening W the lentlfilp. The reason is that larger plants lake longer to remver <br />from the shock of digging antl transplanting. The modalRy rate for larger transplanted <br />nursery stock is also higher. Smaller plants recover more quickly, antl in fatl have <br />been proven to outpace [he growth of larger transplants. In afew years time they may <br />in tact be larger antl healthier. <br />The Planting Plen wnstrudion tlocument therefore, will speciry plants of sizes within <br />these ranges'. 3 gallon containers for regular sized evergreen shrubs (eleagnus, <br />abelia, osmanthus, deyera, etc), 3 to 4 foot height, balled and burlapped, far large <br />evergreen shubs (hollles, waxmynle, Carolina laurel, etc.), 6 to 8 foot height, balletl <br />and budappeq for evergreen trees (magnolia, pine, cedar, hollies, etaj, and 2 Y:3 <br />inch caliper (diameleq, balletl antl burlapped, for tlecitlupus trees where used. To <br />compensate for the smaller initial sizes. the plants era shown in relatively close <br />proximity. Thus asthay grow up antl out, they will begin to constitutes dense visual <br />bartier in a few year's time. Since landfill accretion will take some years to grow in <br />height, the planting belts should more than atlequately keep pace with the landfill <br />activity. <br />Trees antl shrubs are best installetl tludng the "tlormanC' season starting in late Fall <br />antl ending in early Spring. When planted tluring this period they have the best <br />chance of survival antl subsequent vigorous Growth <br />Implemenfatlon <br />Following the soenty's approval of the Concept o/screen planting sketch, a tletailed <br />working tlrawing showing proposed plant locations. a List of Plants, planting details, <br />antl written specifications will be prepared The agency et that time may decitle <br />whether to atlvedise or otherwise solicit bitls for the plarrting work to be perfprtnetl. <br />One standard spec condition in planting work far publicly ownetl projects is the one- <br />year maintenance and guarantee periotl. The bidder works into his price the cost of <br />regular maintenance, particularly watering antl pest control, for the first critical growing <br />year. The guarantee that all plants are alive antl in gootl condition at the end of this <br />year is his main incentive to perform the mainlenanW work in a responsible Fashion. <br />After That tla[e, lha owner will have to occasionally check the growing condition of the <br />plants. but the mare-critical first year will have been passed. Regular watering during <br />the hat dry months is [he greatest maintenance neetl. <br />