Orange County NC Website
planting butlget allow for major reforeslatien of a complete buffer. In fah a narrower <br />bantl can be more effective than a wide one, bemuse the plants will have greater <br />access to light along the screen planting etlge (tt. edge condition above), antl will <br />grow bushier antl denser foliage than I/they are in the middle of an extensive area of <br />shadegiving plants. <br />New weaning should be achieved with a planting design whiUi recognizes [he <br />following factors: <br />• New plaming shoultl blend into the predominant deciduous character of these <br />wootls, even if evergreens are chosen m block the view. This sugges[e some use <br />of tlecitluous plants in the overall mmposition of the planting bands. <br />• New planting must be located properly, relative to the sight line which exists <br />between the viewer and [he abject being viewed. Plants must possess sufficient <br />size to screen this sight Ilne. q voss settion has been preparetl to illustrate this <br />issue. In adtli[ioq most viewers traveling by wr along Eubanks Road will tend to <br />look into the site at a horizontal angle, therefore it might be nemssary to begin the <br />screen planting before the actual station point of the landfill egivity. <br />• New planting shoultlbe effective in screening Ne landfill activity per se. without <br />calling excessive attention to itself to passers-by on Eubanks Road. This suggests <br />more of a rantlcm or natural con(guralian of planting bantls within the existing <br />wootled buffer. There appears to be plenty of room to achieve this within the 200. <br />loot total witlth of Me huger. However, planting placetl closer to the viewer is mare <br />effective in screening an objeq, so a balance must be achievetl. <br />Where planting will omur on the power line easement, plants shoultlbe chosen <br />which ahieve heights below the level of dearin9 for the mntlucmrs. <br />The planting design shown on paper should allow for feld adjustment of plant <br />locatioq to allow preservation of existing trees antl volunteer areas where they <br />actually occur. <br />Plants shoum be chosen with a mnsitlerable degree of"naturalizing" effect. <br />Ultimately the landfill bufer will not be maintained as it woultl Rit were a strictly <br />ornamental feature. Aplanting band designed for "law maintenance'antiupates <br />the eventual mixing-in of volunteer growtq which is gootl from a screening <br />standpoint. <br />Proper planting antl mulching per good hpniculturel pragims will help ensure plan[ <br />survival antl timely growth, antl help atllieve en effective sveen in relatively short <br />oNer. Planting pits for intlivitlual trees antl shrubs should be of atlequete size,antl <br />tletailetl for ease of watering during the initial growing seasons. See <br />'implementation" notes below. <br />The Element of Time <br />The realities of honiwlture, the nursery 4etle, antl the lantlawpe construgion intluslry <br />dictate that most plants are installetl at a size wfiich is relatively small comparetl to <br />