Orange County NC Website
County Solid Waste Management has tleveloped its plans for the utilization of this site <br />with such a huffer strip allowance. <br />The Orange County Planning Department requires a 100-foot vegetated buffer <br />between lantlfill activities and public rightsof-way (artlinance senion t2 5, Lantl Use <br />Buller Regviremonfsl. A Type F baiter is required for lantlflls: a butler composed of <br />predominantly (a(leaat ]5%) evergreen vegetation Met ie opaque fv a height of of least <br />thirty leaf. The provision for sutlta 100-fcot buffer for the County will occur within the <br />200-foot buffer requiretl by the state. <br />Ezlsting vegetation antl visual characteristics <br />The vegetative community which lies along both the northern and southern edges of <br />Eubanks Road is rypiral o(the Chapel Hill vicinity where land tlisturbance has not <br />recently taken place. The forest consists of predominantly deciduous hardwootls, with <br />a few evergreens (cedarsantl pines)in their midst. Some hardwootl trees are mature, <br />witha height Upwards of 40-SD feet The wootls which adjoin the clearing for Eubanks <br />Roatl exhibit a strong "etlge condition° charadedzetl by faidy tlense understory <br />growth. The reason for (hs etlge contlition is (hatthere is more light available here <br />than deeper in [he wootls, for plants to thrive below the upper canopy of leaves. <br />Typically there is far more biomass (foliage and wodtly growth) at the etlge of a woods <br />than in its interior. This makes the wootls appear more opaque at eye level. However <br />the woods are much less opaque after IeafErop in the fall. Visual openness persists <br />for 4 to 5 months until re-gmwth in the spring. <br />Some timhering has taken place recently, causing an opening of the canopy in some <br />locations, several yartls back from Eubanks Roatl. Alreatly [he introtluction and <br />growing of vigorous'voluntear' or invader species is apparent in the areas which have <br />Caen timbered. The height antl tlensTy of these Vees varies, antl presently woultl not <br />constitute an effective visual screen of the landfill aMivity, especially in winter. <br />A low voltage power line crosses Eubanks Road s[ an angle, antl enters the buffer <br />area. This dearetl easement is aligned almost parallel with Eubanks Road along the <br />western haH of the buffer. The power company maintains this easement antler its <br />vegetation management program. Thie results in periotlic sleah M volunteer trees <br />whlrh threaten to grow up into the contlutlor zone. Therefore, the planting tlesign <br />must consitlar [he deerence requirements for [he power line, i.e. utilize plants which <br />do no[ encroach on [he wires. <br />Proposed Planting Design <br />It is important to consider the factors tlescribe0 above, in tlevising a planting scheme <br />to screen the landfill eIXivity. <br />Existing woodetl and partly-wootled areas wihin the 200' witle buffer strip can be <br />enhancetl with more visuallyepaque bantls of planting. However, these bands ran be <br />relatively nartow, from 20 tp 30 feet witle, and still be effective. Seltlom does a <br />