Orange County NC Website
Memorandum <br />Ta' DrSteve HWkimis, Hoard of Orange County Commissioners <br />Pmm: Roger eerr,Sdid Wate Advisory HOeM <br />gubjem'. Resolution RecommeMing Funding for Rogers Aoad Winer Supply <br />Dara~ June 18, 2001 <br />AttaWred is a resolution peased by Ne Solid Wane Advisory Board (SWAB) <br />recommending Ponding mechanisms to wpOlY mmicipW water to the historic Rogers <br />Read neighborhood. The objective of the SWAB in [his mane M1ea been to proposem <br />equitable mechmdsm to azsirt individual hommwners grid other propmty ovmers in the <br />uighborhaod to avail themselves Ne bmefrt ofthe municipal wazer wpply brought m <br />th®r neighborhood while keepin6 in mivtl the broader interests ofthe coumy and its <br />cdiuu [nresolving the long-nmdingm urrourWirig tltis issue. The resolution <br />addresses five cos[ mmpossmts ofpmvid ng municipal wets supplyto those homes thaz <br />vvwuse well water: mains,OWASA evailabilityf sand wazer metmR plumbing <br />"dovmstream" of[he water meter, but outside the house, imedor plumbing end payment <br />of monthly water bills. <br />The resolution recommends that public foods, pdmarily fiom the Solld Waste <br />Maregemen[ Departmem rcacrvea, be uaW to pay for ell cone except We in[edor <br />plumbing and paymem of monthly wazer bills. The mains ere estimated to m# ebom <br />3550,000 and Ne mher publicly finmcW poniore ofthe ayetmn about$2'/5,000. The <br />SWAN also recommends making loins for interior plumbing to ivdividueL: who meet a <br />means [art. Such loans woWd no[ be mdenaken by the Solid Warta Mamgemevt <br />Depavmen[but by eome other public entity No public payment for monhly waem <br />wnwmption weer recommended. <br />The SWAB disacasions were illumivat~ by an invenwry Mpropmfies in the <br />neighborhood thaz xae dereloped by one ofthe SWAB members, Mrlm Seseaman, <br />working wtlb the staff Ampy ofthet invmtoryuivcluded in cow you wish to user itfw <br />reference. <br />Please le[ me know ifyou have mY thrthm questimu <br />