Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM <br />To: John Wr>k, Manvger <br />Feom' Gayle Wilsoq Sotid Waste Dnector <br />Subject: Otber Solid Waste MattcNWfomannnal AepoM1s <br />Dam: Septemb« 5, 2001 <br />The fodowmg ivfotmation is provided W wform We BovM vfCvmrNSSiontts of sotidwaste <br />related ismea ofamaat interest Hoard feedback or adWtionel inquires are weloomed. <br />a) SWAB 9vbwmmitt«ov 6otld Wesk l„nmcivg Altamatives <br />1'M Solid Wsre Advisory Bumd has appointed m Altamdva Finwcivg Subcommittee to work <br />wiW staffin w¢ductW& tM detailed analysis vecssary [Doha 6WAB tv WomsrghlY exmme <br />dtemative f mcurg sharegiu 1'or future solid waste activities..Ian gasmen, AI Vickers, <br />Jecgnie GazendRmus 6mith have been appointed. The Committ«is achWWed to repor[bnck <br />m the SWAB w December with recommendatimas and findings. <br />67 SWAB FWNro Prloritles <br />The HVard of Comtvissioners bas infomally sseigued to We SWAB the prorry task o[ <br />evaluating solid waste altmmtivcf arcing options oral makhrgarwommendetion to the BOFnd <br />iv time ftr wasideration within lhewntcxt of We FY 2812-03 hudgespro«ae. Ae staffpowted <br />ouI during We 2001-d1 bndget work sessions, it will be critical Wet the BOCC consider and <br />make decisions nex[Springtlwt will allow implmrniadon of wlatever additionatf cing <br />mechanism(s) is/are approved by We Boazd to smderwrite next fiscal year's budget. <br />W order to oazry out tks elremvrtve5vancingavaluation assignment, it will also bcnecussvy for <br />the 6WAB W axevdve the Solid Waste Mavegamrnt Plan approved by the HOCC vtd <br />n®smltt~ tv the 6mte In 6eptembet 2000, along with Wewvnty waste rednodon goals. The <br />SWAB wishes W cosdum the[ examivahon o(opfinnc W grnerile supplemental ivwme far We <br />solid wsmeaterprise lwdis atop priority. Given the sevaitive and wmplicated nature of We <br />mans it is likely a acc~y most of We S\VAB's workload for Ne vezt sevaml months. <br />h may also be poae~ble Ihvl the 6 WAB will ralnest professiovvl consvl[ivg msiaRenoe for certain <br />aspects ofWeu work Qcestions reguding rccmtfigwadon of recycling collection methodologies <br />re~,prdivg devclopmwt of a Materials Recovery Pacfl(rymey necessitate Wa <br />expenditure vfmodest funtls [ m the SOhd Wesre Budget Any inch xeamsh will ba madein <br />writing end, given the mWa constricted timerrvnc afthe project, will need expedites Boazd of <br />Cvmmissionm consideretion. Fanly small investments made at this stage ol'evaluation could be <br />mveluable in making aruram asessmrn~s o[futme revence requirements and W selecting <br />appropriate fivaacivg option. <br />