Orange County NC Website
n <br />1LVing <br />NTaI the staflbelieves to be ebestcase acenaliD-development m Iwo years--saves an <br />esumeted eight montlu otlmd611 pace az the cunenl MSW Gcility. lied a trmsfec <br />statlonbccv wnsider~ earlier in [M1e solid waste planning process, pahap6 mope spaze <br />Wn~could have been ceeliacd, thus mote shonglyjvalSying the eiPDrt. Ntbe opinion <br />of sniff, Dnly a anbslantial cvncetled effort by Ibe NOCC and steffwoold peed site <br />eelectivn, Permitting, design and covstroeficv D(tlle trmsfx 6tahon find add additional <br />w«ks of eavcd lvadfill capacity to [he tlubada ttoad Imd61t. <br />Reaommendafiov <br />slatfreeommevda mmibe soam of Cnmmi66ronem nml6iaar me above memoranaum <br />eve provide foMar guid®oe to stfiffregazding <br />• ovstructicv ofa votthem fecilitymmanage LClD and disasttt debtls <br />• Dou6[ruction oPe varthem MSW 6enafer slffiiov <br />• prdimivaryanalysis oPeD-opecetiov oPihelavdhT and nhensfer emtlonbodl lDVated <br />on Eubanks Road <br />neorporetfon Dfa vohhem solid wasto management 6c6ity mto the Facilities Master <br />Plan <br />