Orange County NC Website
3. Trevx(m 6mfiov Cvmbirutl Wi0 LCID avd Emmgwcy Dieu[m Debris <br />Mavagemm[ FacW[y-Estimated Coale: $1,385200 <br />It is also poxsibla m Integrate the Vansfer station with a eiie for mcyalingoYinert debris <br />avd Imdotaering matariWe (sNlnpx and tree funks) as well ae disaster dcbria. Such a eitc <br />might require fiom 05 b 50 ac es for dll Lunefiom including mulching, rec3cling and <br />tramferring. 1Te Solid Wmte Mmegamane siaR'1®s dcvctaped a tomepmel plan frr <br />such a site (Figure 10). <br />Such a site woWd create the advmtngexnoted above far m MSW 4msfm elation, but <br />slat create a vew location forhmdling Ne LCID, laud cleazin%avd ivM debris, a portion <br />ofNe waste strewn that is vot cnarntlymanaged W Orange County It is assumed the <br />passage oftba regulated recycled matreinl ordinance would aware ahlgh demand lbr <br />rrmseging levdeleaxivg tlebrisbwause of the bmwng probibitimt. Due to ourldgh <br />tipDine fee az the landfll4 most of the heavy inert debris such as cncrete, brick, aepbel4 <br />stone and stumps is trucked m private, chraper, out ofwunly disposal facilities, primarily <br />in Chatham Ctmty It is likely that some amount ofmaterial is being improperly <br />m paged. <br />Most ofthie material is cuamtlylwd511etl. No use is made of its potential resource value <br />as crashed agg<egam subsrimins Cor sto¢elp/nvel, mulch from Hump grinding and <br />potential older user of both inert debris and woodwas[es. kmNer, any potmtiW rcvrnue <br />from pvbticmmagemant of These materials is foregone typo[ havivg m IAID <br />magamevt fawhTy, Hesvy truck traffic Is inmeased throughoa[ W Couvry as land <br />developers drive longer distances b take advantage elchcapm diapveal. <br />A timber potential odvmmge ofsucM1 a 0citity ie that it could hurdle the debris [hat <br />might ba generated in event of a large-scale disaster such er floo4 huaicme, fire, etc. <br />Tne current MS W lmdfill mdproposed new C&D Imdfillhave very limited life avd use <br />of the space for lendfllting disaster debda would be costly at cummt rates and mould <br />redwz the volume ofspace needed to manage everyday waste. if a arorm of Ne <br />maguimde otHurricane F}an.vera to cam roday, dm Eubmks Road landfill weuldbe <br />severely chellmgcd to mmiege Ne metana4 given mamt apace cavstr¢ints. <br />Orange County Emergency Ma~mgemen[ Ducdtor Nick Waters recognizes the need for <br />praapproved storm debris management areas and has stated Ida rapport of Solid Waste w <br />the identification of base type heilitlas. DOT,ZINC, and other agmWes/ntditiea are also <br />supportive. Addirionelly, NCDepmtmen[oYHVViromvmt and Natmnl Resource ie <br />raging County Solid Waetc Duatms to identify norm debrismanag®mt areas in order <br />to be prepared to respond w naaval disasters. <br />The costs ofedding LCID recycling facilities tp ohs costs identiEed above for a transfer <br />are reletlvdy moderate Stafl has idpneifielfie additlonel oosrsmbe: <br />• Land 5225 OW (vov-retorting expense) <br />