Agenda - 12-07-2020; 12-4 - Information Item - Memo Regarding Further Regulation of Aggressive Dogs
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Agenda - 12-07-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 12-07-2020; 12-4 - Information Item - Memo Regarding Further Regulation of Aggressive Dogs
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Bob Marotto <br /> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL MAIL!] Re: Re:Animal Services Communication <br /> From: JOSEPH WILLIAMS <> <br /> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 12:33 PM <br /> To: OCAS <>; Bob Marotto <> <br /> Cc: '' <amanda.schwoerkeft—>;; Rachel <br /> Plast <> <br /> Subject: [EXTERNAL MAIL!] Re: Animal Services Communication <br /> SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS RE UNIFIED ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINACE <br /> Currently the UNIFIED ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINACE classifies dogs as dangerous or not. In the interests of safety of <br /> the dog, owner, and the public there could be some intermediate actions which would not require declaring the dog to be <br /> dangerous. would improve safety, and provide a graduated path to better owner management or more adverse decision <br /> points. <br /> 1) When there has been a report of an aggressive dog, on a public space, trying to attack other dogs or persons then <br /> as part of the investigation a warning citation could be issued which would require the owner to attempt to maintain a <br /> space of 20 feet between their leashed dog and other dogs or persons and to retreat if necessary and issue verbal <br /> warnings to stay away from the leashed dog. Future reports of aggressive acts by the dog and or owner could result in <br /> requiring the dog to be muzzled without declaring the dog to be dangerous. <br /> 2) In addition, a part of the warning citation could be that if the leashed dog is taken into public spaces like sidewalks, <br /> or parks where is may not be possible to maintain a 20-foot space require the dog to be muzzled without declaring the <br /> dog to be dangerous. <br /> 3) Special circumstances could be defined such as the potential of the dog to cause serious injury or death to other <br /> dogs and persons; i.e. the size of the dog, breed of the dog, and degree of aggression of the dog. Also, the space where <br /> the report of aggressive behavior took place like multi-family condominiums. or apartment complexes. sidewalks, or parks. <br /> All persons should have the right to enjoy public spaces without being frightened, threatened, or intimidated by aggressive <br /> dogs and/or owners. <br /> 4) Much of this could be in the discretion of the animal control officer. When the officer investigates, they could ask the <br /> owner if the feel safer in their home or in public with a breed of dog known to be aggressive, like pit bulls, rottweilers, <br /> Dobermans etc. If the owner responds yes then they chose the breed of dog for security issues then the dog could be <br /> classified as a security dog and required to be muzzled in public spaces. In short, the dog is being used in place of a <br /> weapon for security purposes. <br /> 5) To protect the animal control officer in the event of future civil or criminal proceedings a simple chart rating the <br /> potential of the dog and owner to cause injury or death to other dogs and person. Items of rating could be the size of the <br /> dog, breed of the dog, aggressiveness of the dog, owner's willingness to maintain spacing in public spaces, or willingness <br /> to voluntarily muzzle the dog when on public spaces, ability of the owner to physically control the dog, type of leash used, <br /> past complaints of aggressive behavior by dog or dog handling by owner. <br /> 1 <br />
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