Agenda - 10-01-2003-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-01-2003
Agenda - 10-01-2003-9b
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Last modified
9/2/2008 2:54:21 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:34:23 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20031001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2003
ORD-2003-133 Amendments to Open Space Standards for Flexible Development Subdivisions
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2000-2009\2003
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Ordinance as recommended by Planning Board and Administration 9 <br />access plan in the subdivision. If the POSA's connect active or passive <br />recreation areas, or if the POSA's are identified as a recreation amenity, <br />then a constructed path can be required as a part of the approval process. <br />Landscaping to ensure compatibility with the natural and scenic goals of <br />open space shall also be evaluated. <br />POSA's are not intended to be used in order to connect significant habitat <br />and wildlife open-space sections. Wildlife corridors are for this purpose. <br />All pedestrian open space access areas shall be connected to another type <br />of open space. In a Flexible Development subdivision, all existing access <br />ways shall, if practicable, be connected into a single system. Flexible <br />Subdivisions shall also have at least one POSA and, when practicable, <br />connect to at least one outside edge of the subdivided property, in order <br />to preserve the ability to connect the POSA with future, adjacent <br />projects. <br />Roadside Buffers, areas buffering public roads, when they are at least 75 <br />feet in width, measured in one direction from the nearest edge of the <br />right-of--way. Roadside buffers must be composed of undisturbed natural <br />vegetation or where enhanced vegetation is installed as a condition of the <br />approval. <br />• Greenbelt Linkages, areas that can be used as part of a connected <br />greenbelt path, within an approved County Greenbelt program. <br />Size and Shape -Secondary Conservation Areas, to the extent possible, shall <br />be part of substantially sized and/or contiguously linked open space sections <br />and meet guidelines as stated in Section F.1. <br />uTCSrQ°~~Av~'1~~-cax=2'SS~pccirc~v+srl'rEi'b~'i-a° ~ x,11 0,7;+ ~.,....,r.a ,Y,oo+:., <br />C.4 Access to Open Space <br />General public accessibility to and within open space shall be evaluated <br />on a case-by-case analysis of the goals and the intended use(s) of the open <br />space in that particular development. <br />Primary Conservation Areas, due to their considerable recreation, scenic <br />and cultural public values, shall be made available for the use of the <br />public at large through access by public road. However, it will not be <br />feasible for public use to be provided in all cases (e.g. fragile cultural <br />sites, protected and/or private habitat areas, hazardous slopes and <br />wetlands, etc.). <br />
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