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17 <br /> Frank Csapo said it is 175 feet. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if parking spaces could be moved to the southwest <br /> corner of the property, where there appears to be room. <br /> Frank Csapo said this map is an older drawing, and the space that seems available in <br /> the southwest corner is due to the drawing showing only a 50-foot buffer. He said this buffer <br /> has been increased to 100 feet, so there is no longer the same amount of room available in the <br /> southwest corner of the property. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the number of parking spaces that would be lost by <br /> increasing the buffer on the northwest side could be identified. <br /> Frank Csapo said about 25 truck spaces. He said other spots have already been lost <br /> internally, due to the accommodation of County requests. He said it is a balancing act. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if the northwest red hatched area starts with the parking <br /> spaces, or before that. <br /> Frank Csapo said the red hatch starts at the very top. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if there was a reason why this is so, as there is no internal <br /> road or parking spaces at the very top. <br /> Frank Csapo said the 50 foot buffer could be moved down a bit, as there is a specific <br /> area of need for the Developer. He said the red hatch was run all the way to the top for design <br /> ease, but there is room for adjustment. <br /> Commissioner Greene referred to an area further east in the property, and asked if some <br /> additional spaces could be added there, without cutting into the wetlands area. <br /> Frank Csapo said the area to which Commissioner Greene referred is designated for <br /> storm water basins. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if the total number of truck spaces anticipated in the <br /> northwest portion could be identified. <br /> Frank Csapo said there will be about 35 spaces. <br /> Commissioner Price asked how many trucks are anticipated being in this area at any <br /> one time. <br /> Frank Csapo said the parking ratio is suitable for a development of this type. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the parking spaces to the south of buildings A and B are for <br /> cars. <br /> Frank Csapo said yes. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if delivery trucks will take up every parking spot. <br /> Frank Csapo said the trailer part of a truck will be parked, and will likely sit for some time <br /> in between loading and unloading. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the southern red-hatched portion, and asked if the <br /> difference between the 50 foot and 100 foot buffer could be identified. <br /> Frank Csapo said the stream curves left and widens, and the crossing must be at the <br /> perpendicular, and thus the impact would be greater at the 100-foot mark than the 50-foot mark. <br /> Commissioner Price said it seems it could be flipped, and the stream does not seem <br /> much wider further in. <br /> Frank Csapo said it may not look significant on the map, but creating a larger buffer here <br /> would have a much more significant impact on the area than reducing the buffer. He said the <br /> road would have to take significant curves, and the stream is noticeably wider further up. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the total number of truck parking spaces could be <br /> identified. <br /> Frank Csapo said he can get that information. <br /> Commissioner McKee referred to the Developer's master plan drawing from July 2020, <br /> and said it shows different storm water facilities. He asked if parking spaces could be picked up <br /> in vacant areas. <br />