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13 <br /> 5. Preserve landscaping along Davis Road. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: The applicant voluntarily imposed a 120 ft. setback for <br /> structures and a 50 ft. setback for driveways/access roads from Davis Road. No <br /> parking will be allowed within 120 ft. from Davis Road. <br /> 6. Preserve a minimum of 30% open space for the Project. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Applicant agreed to this requirement. <br /> 7. Clarify language within the condition(s) associated with Energy Star certification and <br /> incorporation of LED lighting. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Requested language has been added clarifying <br /> recommended conditions. <br /> 8. Several BOCC members asked for condition(s) addressing the idling of vehicles. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Language has been included within the final draft list of <br /> conditions as contained in Attachment 4. <br /> 9. Address interior lot line setback requirements. <br /> Staff has recommended the imposition of several conditions designed to address potential <br /> impacts of the Project as well as concerns expressed by the general public. As previously <br /> indicated, these conditions must mutually be agreed to by the applicant. Attachment 5 contains <br /> a letter from the applicant on the proposed conditions. <br /> Planning Director's Recommendation: The Planning Director recommends approval of the: <br /> 1. Statement of Consistency indicating the zoning atlas amendment(s) are reasonable <br /> and in the public interest as contained in Attachment 3. <br /> 2. Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas, as well as imposing development conditions, <br /> for the identified parcels as contained in Attachment 4. <br /> Effect of Denial or Withdrawal: In the event the rezoning application is denied or withdrawn, it <br /> should be noted that Section 2.2.8 of the UDO states that no application for the same or similar <br /> amendment, affecting the same property or portion thereof, may be submitted for a period of <br /> one year. The one-year period begins on the date of denial or withdrawal. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: This request has been reviewed by various County departments who <br /> have determined that the approval or denial of the request would not create the need for <br /> additional funding for the provision of County services. Costs associated with advertising, <br /> including the public hearing notice and mailings, were paid by the applicant in accordance with <br /> the adopted Orange County Fee Schedule. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommended the Board: <br /> 1. Review and discuss the conditions as necessary; <br /> 2. Approve the Statement of Consistency (Attachment 3), and <br /> 3. The Resolution Amending the Zoning Atlas and imposing conditions (Attachment 4). <br /> Michael Harvey presented the following map: <br />