Orange County NC Website
Orv-CeAI Battery Recvclin <br />Attvchmevt B <br />The Deportment of Solid Wasic Maagement requests eppmval oP the ¢ow Recycling <br />Mazorials Handler (RMFr) position (grnda 62j al a proposal $2fi,221 plus benefits, iv <br />order m Fully impleme¢t v pmgan aimed at reducing the amount of dry-sell batteries <br />being disposed o(in We Orange C¢wty Lmdfill. Diverting batteries will r~uce the <br />toxicity of Wa mat<riels bvriM in the ]mdfill. These dudes would absorb a projected <br />20% of We staff time al a Prorated wet of $"1,41fi. Ofhcr pro®am ws[s include the <br />recycling contmq supplies end edpoation materiels at a cost of $18,bJ5. TTe Rhfl[ will - <br />have other duller described separately for wllxliw of computes vnd w-Iwuee office <br />rwydablcs. <br />IL u estimatal Wet ea<h houeebold generates approximately 2.2 pounds of dry-cell <br />batteies each yeaz. Accord'mg so We EPA, "e~cn Waugh dry cell baheriesaepresem less <br />than 1 peeves by welgbt of mtmlcfpal solid waste, they account Ltt 52 percent of vll the <br />cadmium end 68 perawt of all Wemeremy found in the msmieipel solid waste stream." <br />Tlris pmpoeed pmgmm will accept the fllowing typee of drycell (na¢-liquid bcadvP~ <br />baneriee: <br />Alkaline, 2~nc Carboq Nickel Cadmium (NiCd), Nickel Maml Hydddc (Ni-IMI), <br />Lithium, Lithium ion (ti-ionj, Silvis Oxide, Merwry, ZWc Av, and Scaled Lcad Acid <br />(Pb)baneries. <br />As this pmgmm is rnvisioned, dryceL benai<e will be collected from the following <br />law <br />• Oange Calmly Solid Wash Convenience Canrers; <br />• Pertmpesing local businesses (Note Wa[ we wrrently cnlleot baveries Saco Caul <br />Wootls, Photoquiok, Radio Shack et 2artgate Shopping Ce¢tn, a¢d Radio Shack at <br />Uttivemity Mall; a¢d <br />• Curbsidcwlih usher wrbsida mcydables. <br />To begin m sazisfy ci6zrn demand for this seen e, tfi< D<patmwt of Solid Waste <br />Management is wrremly m the pme¢s of establishing coltcetiov of drycell batteries <br />Lam We Solid Wade Convenience Centers. Wtile Wis service will M1e put in plaza <br />wishnrd We requested Recycling Materials Handlq it will place a bnrdev w exisiwg <br />es. In orde to handle We projatcd amounts of dry-cell batteries herein es[h¢ated, <br />and especially to aapmmpdaze curbside cnlledion of dry-cell batteries, the requested <br />w position wilt be needed to rcavspmt, process, packvge, end prepare We batteries for <br />shipment tomarket. <br />Pmpnsed 12h41 Dndes: <br />The requested RMH wiE perform the fllowing dntiW essociamd wiW dry-cell battery <br />ecYCling: <br />• Regular collection ofbazteties fiem eazh SWCC.drop-off collection point, front Ilse <br />curbside rccyckng covnadoq and ovcaL <ohpdiov of batteries Lam participating <br />focal businesses; <br />