Orange County NC Website
Memoravtl¢m <br />To: Iohn LiNr, CowrN Manager <br />Arom: Gayle Wilsoq Solid WuaveMmegemml DirxWr <br />Subjeaf. Govommmlal BwlAng,Dry Coll Battery, and ElecROVics Recycling <br />Proposal <br />Daee: September 6, 2001 <br />Ifiis m randum presents information about Ne proposal programs w collet[ <br />recydables in local govemmmt buildings, post-consumer electrotnca (partic¢lazly <br />omputne and rclatM pcdplremis), and dry rll banaies. Staffmcomvwnda Nat the <br />BoaN umdorse Nex Programs. <br />Backgrama <br />Removing baneries and elecrOnics from the wrrm[ solid waste sheam has potenfiel to <br />reduce toxicity by removing sowccs of lead, mercury, cadmi,m. oNer heavy meals and <br />prrwrsoa of acid forming leachers. Many sWms are wnsidering progmme m reduce <br />lavdfilliug or i¢ci¢emtio¢ of clcc(rordce but oNy Massachvsme e¢d California have ttms <br />inr bamcd cathode ray Wbes (CRTs) form 1vrdREe and incivmalum'. in North Cerohna, <br />Wake County has er[edtively banned wmmereially geoerut d CRTs Gam ire IavdEll and <br />Fagan collecting post-corvs¢mer electronics (September 3). Wake will cEmoe covwercial <br />ts, but reeidmtlal uec ie at vo chago. Tho Towv of eery hoe also initiated regular, <br />reaidmtiel cmbaida computer wllmtion m no charge ro Na msidanm. CLnavtly Orange <br />Cawty does not provide s cmnputw mcyclin6 oppotlwtity. <br />1n (be adopted 2001-02 HOCC budget, CmWs were provided to irtitie[e programs to collect <br />[ceidmtlel elw(rowcs and battatiea Ibr divusio¢ to ra salvage and rmyding <br />programs. fund were oho providetl for wmwlidatiov of collection of rmyclebles Rmn <br />local govemmmt buildhrge. Wlnle the FY 2001-o26udget included funds for Ncsc U¢w <br />can prog[mts, inclttding Ne RecycEug Materials Hurdler posidoq the programs were <br />nut authorized, pertdivg further BOCC discussion. <br />SmplemWwg IM programs az outlirr~ in Ne budget document will create m opportunity <br />Io expand local govar¢mavt builNug recyGivB eerv onay now apart <br />onvaudvg these services end reeks mlleodors more effiumt mdem¢sutmt. Clurm(ty <br />Nose materials arc collected by a combination of two conhacmrs and iv-house farces <br />Rom the Public Works and Solid Weete Man¢gemmt Depertmmte taco Aaeehmmt A). <br />The primary govemmcut bwlding coRwtion contractor charges $38 per collection for <br />each n site addrd. There is o stmdaNizad wllerfim syawm. Sites a mavtly <br />Woughout the County ere inaansistrnt in design, types ofmataials picked vp, Gcqumcy. <br />aig~e85 etc. <br />