Orange County NC Website
to market. If b0sinesses, older beat govemmevts, ox Ne school systems wish to deliver <br />large qumtities ofitems t0 tWs program, the} can make apPOmtments and delivex the <br />equipment dowdy m the proposed electronics processing area a[ [he Orange County <br />Landfill, butmtm the Cauvemcnw Cwtus az Mwe will accept oNy rosidental waste. <br />Pro'emion for Amount o[Matenels Celleeted <br />It is difficult to projwt romage for this proposed pmgrem because electronics mcyding <br />ie so new, and Ihere ie little IOnK term data on which 10 bast pmj wtiors. Preliminary <br />projections are Mar tFe peparimmt of Solid Waste Managamwl will wnact tFirty m fifty <br />ratio n(computws and relatM equipment in the first year of operatien i(non-xaidwtial <br />matciinle arc accepted. Wh11e the Tovm of Cary wllcdcd otdy 10 tone during thpr first <br />montFS of opvadoq u'e believe the peat-up demand in Orange County eoaplad <br />with the 60% larger pOpulvtion of Orange Ccuvty and the option to add non-residential <br />materials makes 3010 Se tons aroasonabla PrOactlon <br />Potevrtvl Pw¢am Coate <br />Program cons have o Iwtwdally large v nation, dependent upon the emwut of materiels <br />brought in and the cost to process them. IDs field of electronics recydin6 ie quite <br />dyuwme right new and new compawce are coming wto exutenec Npidly. The wars <br />projected far Ilia progam m basal on umptions made dunnK the budgeting pro <br />AcNal ooete frr wnaaat scrvioee \vill be detemined tlue0gh is a oC an IiPP, <br />aelwti0n of a successful hidde5 and by how much mazanal is collected. Thera is <br />potential to charge pmgmm user fete far (boat items for which a processing fee will be <br />chargod to the Lbuntg i a wmpmmmonimrs_ <br />Projected Pmgrmn Coe[ <br />Cam u[er Rea din Cullemionx Year1 75"/e of a PWB epr <br />Perwmd eudbwaGls (pro-ramd @40%) <br />for ]6 % of the <br />*r 11,124 15,499 <br />Contract Services 2i 125 2G,255 <br />TNCk Ce61 40% 19,200 Nov-recumv <br />Tmok foal and maivtanance 40% 050 1,045 <br />t men and [eland PPE msate~l~ 2211 205 <br />HwNing, Storage units, supplies & <br />awtenance" 56,200 5,620--10"/o Pox <br />awtenarmc <br />PAUCaticn wd OnMPECh 1,500 1,568 <br />Rwwue hom SS charge for CATS (6,625) (5,625) <br />Total 106,494 44,S6J <br />* Assumes l5 tmcklnads to New lerseybased ccnvaztor [1MCOR. <br />Pro-rated et 40% oftaml for uwfocme, depaxhnent euppliea, PPE. <br />*** Build'mB allewled 100%to tFis pmgram ben used by Others. <br />