Orange County NC Website
• What quantity ofmatmala will the pmgam collect? <br />How much willtins program cos[md how will those costs be bome4 <br />Accented Materials and Mazkete~ <br />The Depmvumt of Solid waste Management would initially accept compu[ere, wmputer <br />onitom and wmputer related dwieea. The Iovgm-term goal would be m expand this <br />program to accept tdevieions, ~ maohinas, ®d ¢teraa and video wmpavmts. It is also <br />ommmded that we accept electronics from residents of Orange Comty, govervmeat <br />agencies within Oange County, the school systems widtiv Orange Cevvty, and, on a <br />Ivnikd basis, from busivcsau within Orange County. Finally, the concept of sherivg Ne <br />ymse of mmaging these materials with those who use the pmgam is en option. For <br />example, 3t oould ba posstbla to oharga the busirusace or governmental egenciw, ae well <br />residents, who wish m recycle wmputer movimrs a tip ree or co-pay charge on the <br />order 55.00 for arch computer monitor they vd¢6 to have mcycled. It should be noted <br />that the concept of charging for recycling service is a depMme Sow the typical Ormgc <br />County recydingpradice o£pmvidiug wlleetion ¢mica at no charge. <br />Decisiev¢ abom what mamrials will be accepted by m electrotucs program me driven m <br />many ways by the availability v[ markets and the amount v£ money the progam is <br />prepared to apcM in oN¢ to divert she specific ma[eriale from laud-based disposil. <br />Markets for computers, computer monitosa, and wmputm pmphemis (printers, <br />keyboard, mice, etc.) are the mdse common and dre most eeovomieelly feasible ro <br />access. roc this reasory cart' and wake county limit their colleudonrothese items. <br />Markets for other port-eoreumer elmWVirs such ere etaeo egwpmmq VCRs; telephones, <br />fire macbives, and other pvstroendnvner electronos d exist' but U~ese items typically <br />present less of n threvt m IandSlls iv [wens of potmriel wntaminelfom and the value err <br />the re vcrcd material is curtendy neglixdble. NuMm the markets for the <br />nfnramentional post-cronenmcr aleotroines tend to ba different Sum those that handle <br />computers. <br />Televisiws repmsent a particular challenge whey it comes m mmagenhmt for mcyding. <br />Televieiom and other Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) boaring items wvtain an averege of ] to <br />8 pounds of lead per unit WIWe Computer Monitma contain CRTs, there is a significant <br />demmw ror reinmiaheartepaima mnnitom, eapeeiatly m nowme¢ om¢me ue us. Tnia <br />demand does not exist far uecd rolevisione. Further, es the change to di®m1 televisiw <br />rakes place w May of 2003, and as s upgada m televisions with diptil <br />capobitiry and / or m televisions withchigher 9ualiry picnuee (nit tlmsity or high <br />daMifion talevieione, also called EIDTVs), the numbu oP televisions mraing We waste <br />strewn is expected m skyrocket. Recycling options £or televisions arc currently rare, cold <br />typically ezpm¢ive. As the aemand for this service grows, it is mticip~ated that more <br />rwyoling op4iona£yr televisions will become available. <br />Cotlecfionlocations~ <br />The Depattmen[ proposes to operate a drop-off progam for the collection of elnetroniee, <br />accepting these materials at the Ovmge. Comty Sohd We¢te Commieme Centers and at <br />lbe Otmge Carmry LaM51t. TTe dropped off metenals will be collected from the drop- <br />off poiws by the RMH, who wiR proaass these inazcriale and prepare them Ibr sMpmmt <br />