Agenda - 09-11-2001-4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-11-2001
Agenda - 09-11-2001-4
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8/29/2008 10:34:23 AM
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AttachmeolC <br />The Depmtrncm of Solid Naetc Managcm®t requests approval of the vcw Recycling <br />Meknala Handler (RMII) (grade fit, lrzopusnd saWy $26,221 plus benefits) position in <br />ardn m imPl®ent a proposed electronics recycling Progam to divert wmPUtar, <br />modtem, and relatedaquipmunl from Nepoasl iv Nc Omngo County LmdNl. Iv is <br />antioipemd Met Ne Proposed RMH will dedicate 4D°o of Fisher time ere well a9 a0% of <br />the wst of P truck to the elwhonics progam for collectng materials. io addition, there <br />ate the cost of a building, supplies, shipping, and a wntract for a recyclivg/setvage/ceuse <br />tmrkat. TM [evsaiving 60% of the progrsw/slaff tlme is projeaW m be dwoted to dry <br />cell battery collection mld iv-house gevemmevt office collections. <br />ILe f st ycm wst for the elw[mvica recycling progam ie projected at $112,119 <br />indudiny the 40% share ofthe propasad empleyoc C¢r 75% oCNa year, a Wck, ahippinp, <br />rccychng, and pmmesm6 building. The pminrtional cost in year one, of Ne proposM <br />employee salary plus.bweffis m cared with the clcctroruca rccydmg program is <br />$11,136. Uniforms end PP9 era F190 additional. <br />Elwlmmce pmducla such as computers, computer mod[ors, aW mlevisions accouvt Cor a <br />significant am unt of 0e beavy metals (in paztiwlaz IearS a well as ercury and <br />cadmium) being disposed of w the Orang Coovry Lavdfill. Commumti a across the <br />country have begin to zclmowledge the problems these items pose in Ne waste stream, <br />and have Wren measurer to mmvge this Nreat. Both Caufomia and Maxsechurehs love <br />bermed a111evdfilWtg oc nation etcomputer mdrlitecs. Wake County bas prohibited <br />ImdGllmg of monitors that me nut residentially %emraled as They are deemed hvzvrdous <br />wvsms; computer maritom end color televisions do not pass the required Federal teat for <br />daPOeitwg m a solid wasl¢ Im~dfyl or iveinerator. Rwiden[al wears is exempt Gam <br />these re%ulelionsbm still conMbmes m Nn toxicity loml. <br />1Le Towu of ('azy began a vo-foe rmyaling pmpram oficcwg rwidwtiat embeide <br />wllwlien of wmpumrs in November of 8000. Cary reporLS thvt their progan wilechd <br />just wda 10 tons of compvtere dining FY2000-2001. Wake Couvty held aone-day <br />pubhe wllwiion event for computers Imt winleq mid began a permanent drop-off <br />collection program [or wmpu[ns and computer related electrordcs on September 3, 20D1. <br />Far non-rceidrntial gznerators. Wake Coovey is chazgmg $5 per monitor and SS per <br />'load' of wmputer-related eyuipmml Nal is musdlms. Them is o chmge for <br />residwtial computers. As ibese programs Mve re eived publicity, Nee has been <br />significant citivrn demand for rccyclivg optiom in Orange Couvty <br />Approval of Ne RMH position i critical Yo the creation of an elwhonics recycling <br />program in Oravge Couvty. This gmgmm has the porontial to reduce both volume and <br />toxicty ofwas[e in Ne Ormge Ccmty Landfill. <br />3i~ifioentasues ro ooneidu include: <br />WMl malmals wilt the pmgnm mcept9 <br />Wherein the mazkelx [or Ne accepted materials? <br />Where and FOwwill Na materials be accepred9 <br />
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