Orange County NC Website
• Impromptq 5dd-based education vt SWCC staff, local buswess staff, and citizens <br />that the employee mt¢acts with in the 5ald; <br />Proceesmg so[tmg, paokeging, and matti[esting of battwies inm atoxage wnteivero m <br />storage facility and <br />• Maivtewnce avd service of collectiev irtfmswemre including containers at drop-off <br />points and a[ the storage facility. <br />Thisdutles will involve some heavy Fltivg (a &U S gallon backer ofbane[ies oan weigM1 <br />651bs.)..4ddi[imtal work might include sorting offiatleriee in[e categories. Forpuepoee <br />ofthis analysis iI is estimatd that the toW time commivnent ofRMIi position W this <br />pxc~amwovid be eight (8)hours pmweek.. <br />AmountafBatteries Collected: <br />It is diffied[ to estimate [he public [espouse b the Implemevtafiov of a dry-call flattery <br />rttyclwg program Marion County, Oregon has adry-cell bakery collection pro~'am that <br />has been iv existence for fee years. Using [het ro a model, smffprojmts that it Orange <br />Cowry eolleoh d[y-cell batteries at dmP-off avd et the ev&, we will oollea rougbly 4.6 <br />toys v[battcrics drains year ova end six tons of M1averiee tlmvrg Collowivg ycare. ff [he <br />County chooses not vo pure colleGiov of batteries at the wrb, it is estim&etl Iha[ rho <br />program wilt collect epproxinaanly So'%fewer batt¢ics, o[ 2.4 rave w year one wd three <br />voos inyem two. <br />snmtnaa-crier rable~ <br />Tlils table blew catimates towl costs for year 1 end 2 of the program. The casts are <br />based on working with a wnhactor that will provide aNppivg, pmcesswg, and rtcyclmg <br />aeNlcea. <br />1'rolected Prngrem Casn <br />~.CUrbeide end Drop-ORCOlleefiw at <br />D -Cell Banerles Yeer ova ]S% Firrtlull year wDated at <br />4.5% <br />]ESC CW and Std i 13440 14,045 <br />Personnel andrelated (pro-rated et 20% <br />of sal wd for 95°ocf ea 5,562 ],]50 <br />Uvifomts and PPP 85 105 <br />Su Gcs 2 195 9]5 <br />Education vtd OUVeach 3,000 1,5]0 (ovprof desigv <br />services <br />Tatel 24,499 24,405 <br />