Orange County NC Website
Streamlining Ma vmual repotting rognhed fm licensees. <br />• Making the appeals process cosuie[mt [hreughout the orditmvec. <br />• Developing criteria far Nc uec of smbrella"paaadts that can be iemcd at 4uning <br />CompGavoa Pamilt stago. ' <br />• Elimination oftheRmydeble Material Plan, whirA would wneceesmlly complkam <br />the pemiitpn8 Process. Mwi<ipal ]vspecfiore and PlaminB Departments Weo made <br />mia recommenaefion. <br />• Making the liceme rcvocatiov pmvisiove more practical mdlms harsh. <br />• Simplifying the COtrwingled Fecilitycertifica[iou emcees. <br />• including mgmemed woodproduclsmthe Clem WOOd Waste category <br />• MavY ONm details <br />WM1ile ell ideas oould oat be weludedm the ardmmae, the mpnt from the potentially <br />regWatcd commmily was well intentioned, thoughtful, mid gmmallypmdoctive iv <br />streamlining pmcedures end eliminating unintended consequnma. <br />Evfarumevt <br />f analw <br />Loads comaining wootl, metal, pallets cod, corrugated cazdbomd, will bepenelized with a <br />doable tip ke eWCduejus[ v yard wasteand cardboard arc penalizednow. Autlrority m <br />a pettalty Ecket will be vested in inspec[ms located et the ecWehouac, al the <br />recyGivg mess, md/or m the Imdfill working face. TickIXe will be compiled and scot wt <br />with monwy bills for regular customers or the cusmmmmay cheose to pay tickets <br />NdlviduWly. <br />Permitlmg <br />Individuals fond m be conducting building mdvitiee wilhoot the appropde(e Recyclable <br />Material Permit will be ieeoed a eitatien and appmpriam legal action will ba pursued by <br />the County 1Lc rclcvmt Ivapediuns Department will Fe notified of[hme violefiovs <br />becrose these offenders maybe in rdolatiov afthc epplicablc bulling petvdt <br />requirements ar wall. Ae m alditiunW benefit, mia provision will help idmd[y much of <br />the waste coming from outside Change Countybecause [Mae customers will not have Nc <br />proper Recyclable Matertel Permit. <br />Licm®ng <br />Individuals found b he bawling C&D materials without the appropriate Recyclable <br />Material Collstm's License will be lamed a citation and appmpriaze legal action will be <br />pursued by fie County. <br />Jobalh and Wufe Desdvaliav <br />As patl of lbe CffiO recycling edumtion and ordinance enfomemmt effort, Solid Wae[c <br />Depmtmwt rtaff will regulmly visitjobsiiw for which a Aayclable Material Permit has <br />been issued. Municipal hupecliuns Departments visitjabsites several Omu dining [hc <br />course o[tha projmt ®d will be mcoureged to inform the SW EWbrcement slaf[whm <br />