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stormwater rmmHSamples have as[M within acceptable ranges forpH, VOC's, Henry <br />McWS, and Pomraldehyde. <br />lTn Scilitys exceGmt reputation for mviromuantW protecdoa and mmptimce with We <br />&aze's snict solid wage mmvgemmrmles a11owM as the Gexibitiry to mgvge in this <br />experimental endeavor. Rigorous ongoing sample testing is pert of our pemdt to <br />mnNaua H Wsl results ever show ongoingpmblems stemming Gom inalnding engineered <br />wood products in om mWCh, then the mgnlamd community will bedeah a signiEcant <br />pmM1lem by requiring the sepazatim ofrecydable unpainted, untreazed solid sawn lumber <br />from wraydablc mginewed wood producta <br />Clean Mebl has bemrecycled at the laMfill for aMOSt 4 years now. lhepmgrera has <br />bcarvolmtary. Most dithe metal has bear exnactal from the waste stcemv by landfill <br />staff the svadcet cela[iovsWp is established.Lmdfih customers are familiar with the <br />Program. <br />Palleb have been recycled vt Ibe landfill [orreuse and mnanufu xwe,dnca 1998. Tbey <br />menow bang pmecsecd with other wood wastes W the oolored mWch pilot project. <br />Cmruevfed Cardboartl kom the nomresidmtial sectors was berm d Gom the land511 G <br />years ego and the resWla havebncn atrikWb. the mamriW was over 8% oClhe wants <br />stream prim W the M1an and repre ants less Ihm~ 3°o now. Much oftFat remaining is <br />residrndal. The "Cardbbazd Banf has simplybern inearparazed into this ordinmco A[ <br />this [hue, it wiG not ivWwlcwasles origiuetiuK Lrom cxietlng MuseMlda (as opposxl m <br />coneWCtiov or mmmerciW wastes) <br />O[her Materials maybe atld~ to IWs list W the future u markets me developed. This <br />oNwmw is designed for funne exparttimwithout 6eving to reeonstimtethe exiefurg <br />provisions. Suggestions are being made far iu¢t debris mcyclwg w w lunation with the <br />PmiGties Master Pivn report.Otbem mmedals lm traurt recyclinK may include evrpeting <br />orvivyl rding end tmpeiuted drywall. <br />Drywall recycling is problematic. Yha prmury marks[ eapebleofhmWlvg We tonmrge <br />mficipate has mcowtered significmt dBficWfies. They areno longer vecepting <br />maz<fiW at they hoility l ChaWem Comty. Othapossible mmkcte havcbeca (baud, <br />moluding a lmga f that entiapazcs opaWng its doore W lmumg 2002, bun otherwise <br />the am wt ofmaterial w vnticipule generatinK will likely ex eed the limits ofmarka <br />evpnary to 6endle drywall. Whilcall dryweG, clam ad painted / covtamirate4 ueoun~s <br />foresiguificant 8-10%ofC&D wmmbywagbt, it mn very lirrle landfill space <br />becvuse it mmPacts and pvlvetives so easily, filling airspace "voids" W ilia process. <br />There maybe fumre opportnvitics m Wdudc the drywall N a wmpoal mix if the ImdGll <br />rs able ro eitq atafC, Grwree and pamdt a composting Gmility. At &is lima, until more <br />stable relablemvrkets develop, werawmmend vgeinst ivdodivg drywall m We <br />ordinance. <br />