Orange County NC Website
Memorentlnm <br />Ib: John Lwk, COmtty Manager <br />From'. Gayle Wilsoq Solid Wute Mamgemrn[ Dvector <br />Subieot Regulated RecyelabloMazarial Ordinance Lnplemav[viov Plan <br />Dale: September 5, 3001 <br />Tlds memowvdnm azcompeoias the RaguletW AcoyoleblC Mamriel Ordlnmce for seviaw by the <br />Bnaed. It includes ahriaf xummnry of the ordinanw, description ofits potrntiA import, azd ep <br />of iseues raisM during the ordhlmec review process and how d[ey here beau meolved. ¢ alw inolwlesa <br />explwetiov aflhcimportmtrole played by the po[endally mgWated wmmanity in ordinance <br />development and delineation ofrnfore ant prncedures and respwsibilities. At its and is apropoacd <br />timeline (or key events w impl„mcntatiov ofthe Omnge County liegule[ed Accyclabte Malarial <br />Odinance. ' <br />Backgrpuntl <br />'The cureml C&D LaMfd1 onEubavke Xd u esdmvtm to be PoII by July, 2002. <br />On August I5, 3000 the C&D Recycling Task Force pmsemm its fort report. A summary of Tuk <br />Famo rppommandatione areinolnded az AMChmant#1. Rccommovdadov Xl was "Mavdate recycling <br />e oCC&D wasl.ein Orange County duough the useaCm~ ardimmce requiring sepmatipn of at <br />taut meml, Glean wood end drywall." Sivice that timq 6mHhu developed this ardmmce, with <br />mmcvt from the Board in October and ivovcmbcq 2000 avd lavnary, 2001. Slarffias sulicited <br />faedbazk fiom members nfthe potrnfinlly regulated community, the mwicipalities vW otber County <br />deparmnenss. <br />Additionally, we fieve closely examined the experience nfseveral Cities aM Cowtiee that have <br />attemptm, withvuymg Began of sucwa, C&D mcycWg ordivanecs. Discussions have barn entered <br />imo with potential regdingmvketa Site plans for the recycling facility wd stafEand egpipmrnt <br />nceds have barn thomuatty ivvestigazM avd are addressed w the MutQ Fazitiees Plmt also ou thi6 <br />BOCC Mating agenda. <br />The cmrmt draft o(the Regulated Recydabla Normal Ordivevca (AttaoMaen[ #2) is reedy for <br />corleidaation by the Beard <br />Introauntlon <br />summary orme oramaaa <br />L Tba Ordinance oreetasalis[of"Ragulat~Reoyolabla Materials"that must bokopt soperam and <br />recycled. Dtese aze: <br />• Unpainted, mheared Wood Waste • Pallets <br />• Scrap Metal C1eeu Cormgated Cardboard <br />2 Aeeydablekdetcral Permits, eetimativg Nc amauut o[wazte mdeipated firma <br />playa and explaining how the waste ismbe disposed, ec requvdbeforo <br />dn~elopmcn[ (BVildiltg end Zoning Complivsce) permits are issued <br />