Orange County NC Website
BOMM1IAIiY OF RECOMMENDATIONS q'MkcKma!{`,1 <br />1. Mwdate recycling or must ofC&Dwazte in Orange Cowgrhmugh uec ofw oNinwce mquirivg <br />separation otat leas[ metal, clean wend end drywall (gypsum). Initially, Ne mmdam may corer <br />only lazge-scale projects so Ne Mmeowner and small wntcacmr are not overbwdeved. Gushed <br />Crete and other Oert debris should also he considered. A dme of such an ordinapCe prepared by <br />Cowry staffNawched to Nis rcpon. <br />2. Adopt relevant polities and ccrate programs to implement Ne ordiwnm. CooMiwte wiN bWlding <br />nspectiohs departments in odsrjurisdicrions in Orange County m aasiet implementation, with <br />enforcement remamm6 arceporaibihty ofthe Solid Wazte DepaNnwt. <br />3. FhWalocation at whichN wvdw[C&D waste mawguvem. Orange Cowry shoWd+ahe <br />respomibihly Cor revue wd dispersal ofits own CAD wasree. <br />4. Hireaswond recycling edlleate[t0 fowl primarilywimplemrnteaon ofthis ocdivance and of <br />evn nmenmlly sound, weme-cedwing bu0ding practices. (Attachment B) <br />5. Aggressively pursueparluwslilps wilt gNer entities, public and privam, inaideaM beyond Orange <br />CowN [o iuresse oPPOrtmitics [orrecY<ling, reuse wd reducaev of C&D wastes. <br />fi. Cowider meWods fordive~dng ivett debrie, including rook wvcrem, brick asphalt end dir[for <br />[ease and recycling. <br />9. Considar locating aretml used bWld'mg malevals wllec4onwdresale point etmnemany [na¢e <br />C&D rvamgemwt Gc0ity. <br />8. lnveatigala Ne possible extwtand dcsimbility o[involvement m local C&D waste naoagemevt by <br />the Utdvttahy of NONr Cmolir~am Chapef Hill ([1NC), wclw4ng how much C&D warn is <br />prodwed from campus rar,mucaen wd [Ire potential to d'veM Noac malaiala b a public facility iv <br />Omnga County. <br />9. Co~uttawwtywide survry to decermine the twmber and location ofabmdond wd otherwise , <br />dixudM mobtlc homes. <br />10. emmom demvsWCtion sod grewbWldivg as suvlaivable alfeme[ivy to haditloml aPProachne. <br />t l.l1u work ofimplementivg C@D teak force rewmmendatiavs should begin es soon ea possible <br />during Becelymr2W0-2001. <br />