Orange County NC Website
<br /> V. Grant Review <br /> a. Operations Support Grant Applications <br /> This $50k from the county commissioners is to support <br /> nonprofit arts in the county, following the state guidelines <br /> for grassroots. After discussion, the board voted to cap the <br /> grants at $5000 and to accept Katie’s recommendations <br /> for allocation. <br /> b. Arts Educator Grant Applications <br />$2000 has been budgeted for this and will be used for <br />professional development. The applicants are educators in <br />theater arts, visual art, and music. All applicants will be funded. <br /> <br /> VI. Liaison Reports <br /> a. UNC Student Liaison <br /> There is a link to the UNC feeder page for zoom productions, <br /> stage readings and plays, and music. <br />b. Chapel Hill Arts Commission <br />c. Hillsborough Arts Council <br />d. The ArtsCenter <br />Online classes are in session. There is a new team at the <br />ArtsCenter – a new deputy director and director of youth <br />programs. Plans are to hire someone for the capital <br />campaign. Goals are sited on racial equity and being more <br />inclusive. Artist Jermaine Powell has painted <br />a new mural on the wall of Gray Squirrel Coffee. <br />e. Carrboro Arts <br /> Check the town website for information. <br /> f. Visitor’s Bureau <br /> The Colonial Inn in Hillsborough will host a soft opening <br /> in November. A new rep from the board is needed. <br /> g. OCAG <br /> The 2020 tour is virtual with in-person studio visits by <br /> appointment only. <br /> <br /> VII. Advocacy/Other updates <br /> West End Poetry Festival in Carrboro is this weekend. <br /> <br /> Fred adjourned the meeting at 8:30pm. <br /> <br /> Respectfully submitted, Delia Keefe, OCAC Secretary