Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2 <br /> The Orange County Commission for the Environment recommends that <br /> the Lands Legacy Action Plan (LLAP) take actions to recognize, protect, <br /> and interpret sites vital to the County for preservation of our natural <br /> environment, wildlife corridors, stream and creek health, climate <br /> resiliency, and prevention of erosion and stormwater run-off. In <br /> particular, we propose the following major considerations for determining <br /> the future land parcels protection by the County. <br /> Commission for the Environment Land Legacy Action Plan Recommended <br /> Focus Points <br /> • Focus on natural area connectivity, connections between protected areas, parks, <br /> easements, etc. As a guideline, we recommend that County staff should work to <br /> protect wildlife corridors, specifically those outlined in Eno New Hope Landscape <br /> Conservation Plan and work to compare those corridors with those outlined in the <br /> County's comprehensive plan. <br /> • Continue efforts to protect Natural Areas identified by the NC Natural Heritage <br /> Program, specifically those under private ownership. Riparian forests in the County <br /> should be considered of the utmost importance for protection. <br /> • Seek projects which will benefit climate resiliency, both in terms of carbon storage <br /> and watershed safety due to increased storm strength and drought protection due <br /> to likely overall reduction of precipitation overtime. <br /> • Aim to preserve Orange County's rural character and cultural heritage through <br /> farmland, historically designated areas, and scenic viewsheds. <br /> • Continue efforts to connect the Mountains to Sea Trail through Orange County. <br />