<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />General Fund revenues are 14.7% of budgeted revenues compared to 11.8% the prior fiscal year. The variance
<br />is due to FY 2020-21 Intergovernmental revenues which includes $2.8 million in Round 2 CARES funds and $1.3
<br />million in Deferred Revenues from Round 1 CARES funding from the State via the U.S. Treasury.
<br />General Fund Revenues
<br />• Property Tax collections are 16.5% of the total Property tax budget compared to 14.2% the prior fiscal
<br />year; this represents a timing variance in collections. Real and personal taxes are due September 1 with
<br />peak tax collections occurring in December prior to the assessment of penalties and interest. Assessed
<br />Values for FY 2020-21 by statute are as of January 1, 2020. The property tax category includes real,
<br />personal, and motor vehicle taxes.
<br />
<br />• Motor vehicles are 29% of the Motor Vehicle budget as compared to 26% in the prior fiscal year
<br />represents a timing variance. COVID related State legislation allowed taxpayers to delay renewing their
<br />registrations and tax payments for five months from March through August 2020. The FY 2020-21
<br />increase is due to accrued payments over the five month period.
<br />
<br />• Motor vehicle taxes are payable on the vehicle renewal date and the tax is based on market value of the
<br />vehicle. The State remits this tax to the County on a monthly basis.
<br />
<br />GENERAL FUND Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Actual*Percentage Original Budget Revised Budget YTD Actual*Percentage YTD % Variance +
<br />Property Tax $167,694,880 $167,694,880 $27,769,949 16.56% $165,153,931 $165,153,931 $23,516,712 14.24% $4,253,237 2.32%
<br />1
<br />Sales & Use Tax $23,827,353 $23,827,353 $0 0.00% $25,372,861 $25,372,861 $0 0.00% $0 0.00%
<br />Licenses and Permits $274,550 $274,550 $1,945 0.71%$313,260 $313,260 $630 0.20% $1,315 0.51%
<br />Charges for Services $12,645,090 $12,645,090 $2,196,872 17.37% $12,704,833 $12,704,833 $2,644,895 20.82% -$448,023 -3.44%
<br />2
<br />Intergovernmental $17,710,005 $22,515,000 $5,702,405 25.33% $18,278,612 $18,719,854 $1,557,262 8.32% $4,145,143 17.01%
<br />3
<br />Transfers In $5,486,817 $5,486,817 $0 0.00% $4,034,600 $4,034,600 $0 0.00% $0 0.00%
<br />Miscellaneous $3,139,009 $3,188,204 $216,956 6.80% $3,455,769 $3,658,827 $334,904 9.15% -$117,948 -2.35%
<br />4
<br />Appropriated Fund Balance $8,268,603 $8,268,603 $0 0.00% $7,808,006 $7,859,141 $0 0.00% $0 0.00%
<br />Total $239,046,307 $243,900,497 $35,888,127 14.71% $237,121,872 $237,817,307 $28,054,403 11.80% $7,833,724 2.92%
<br />Community Services $14,322,250 $14,395,502 $3,296,522 22.90% $14,421,090 $14,675,219 $3,214,346 21.90% $82,176 1.00%
<br />General Government $10,525,739 $10,719,505 $2,428,703 22.66% $10,556,767 $10,726,427 $3,313,916 30.89% -$885,213 -8.24%
<br />Public Safety $27,994,203 $28,142,669 $6,134,466 21.80% $26,643,096 $26,969,195 $5,731,541 21.25% $402,925 0.55%
<br />Human Services $41,614,328 $42,402,827 $8,198,164 19.33% $40,822,906 $41,573,165 $8,869,548 21.33% -$671,384 -2.00%
<br />Education $93,440,414 $93,440,414 $22,452,704 24.03% $93,508,573 $93,508,573 $22,404,745 23.96% $47,959 0.07%
<br />Support Services $12,773,209 $15,123,079 $6,169,382 40.79% $12,465,362 $11,400,650 $4,009,451 35.17% $2,159,931 5.63%
<br />5
<br />Debt Service $33,410,925 $33,410,925 $18,197,238 54.46% $30,754,428 $30,754,428 $12,036,931 39.14% $6,160,307 15.33%
<br />6
<br />Transfers Out $4,965,239 $6,265,576 $0 0.00% $7,949,650 $8,209,650 $0 0.00% $0 0.00%
<br />Total $239,046,307 $243,900,497 $66,877,179 27.42% $237,121,872 $237,817,307 $59,580,478 25.05% $7,296,701 2.37%
<br />1 - Property tax collections are attributed to timing of taxpayer payments.
<br />2 - Charges for services decrease due to lower Detention Center bed utilization and Inspection fees due to COVID-19.
<br />3- Intergovernmental represents CARES funds from the State.
<br />4 - Miscellaneous includes County facility lease rentals, donations and lower investment earnings.
<br />5 - Support services increase reflects $1.3 million of Non-Departmental expenditures per capita payments to the towns.
<br />6 - Debt service increase reflects the Series 2019 A and B Bonds to support the County's Capital Improvement Program.ExpenditureNotes:
<br />* - Actual amounts include Encumbrances.
<br />+ - Based on percentage.
<br />FY 2021 FY 2020 FYs 2021 vs 2020
<br />Revenue3