Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 2 Eric Scheier <br />Other Comments: <br />This application was current on:3/20/2020 9:10:32 AM Date Printed:3/26/2020 <br />Boards/Commissions appointments: <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Contribution to the diversity of viewpoints on this board: <br />As someone who grew up in North Carolina and has been an Orange County resident multiple <br />times, I understand the local values and politics. As someone with a unique identity who has <br />traveled around the world and worked on projects that would not be possible in Orange County, I <br />can add a perspective unlikely to be shared by any other member of the board. As an expert on <br />environmental science and policy, I can speak the language required to articulate this <br />perspective in the context required for the Commission to be productive. I hope that this unique <br />combination will contribute to the diversity of viewpoints on the Commission. <br />32